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Current, In-Depth Coverage of the Java Web Services Developer's Pack: O'Reilly Releases "Java Web Services in a Nutshell"

June 27, 2003

Sebastopol, CA--Although web services technology has suffered from excessive hype and overly grand expectations, plenty of solid development is going on, especially in extending enterprise applications, and much of this development is taking place in Java. As a result, the J2EE APIs for web services are evolving rapidly, challenging developers to understand and keep pace with them. , (O'Reilly, US $39.95) by Kim Topley covers all of them in depth, providing an indispensable resource for programmers developing web services for the Java platform.

"Java Web Services in a Nutshell" is a succinct introduction, high-speed tutorial, and handy reference to the Java/XML APIs, more commonly known as the JWSDP or "Java Web Services Developer's Pack." According to author Kim Topley, these APIs are taking the Java world by storm, as they are capable of handling everything from simple XML to SOAP to full ebXML vocabularies.

What makes "Java Web Services in a Nutshell" unique, Topley says, is first, that it contains more detail and more relevant examples than are currently available elsewhere. Second, he adds, "The coverage is up-to-date with the current JWSDP release. And third, the book covers only what is currently released. There is no padding based around future specifications that have not yet been made part of the JWSDP/J2EE 1.4."

Topley notes that the most important API in the JWSDP is JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-based RPC). "This is also the API that developers most consistently post questions about. This book covers all aspects of JAX-RPC in detail, with the tutorial coverage alone exceeding 150 pages. After buying this book, developers should having everything they need to program with JAX-RPC, without having to visit the online forum to get answers."

Specifically, "Java Web Services in a Nutshell" provides:

  • A fast-paced introduction to web services and the new features of the J2EE 1.4 platform that support web services

  • In-depth coverage of the Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC), the API that most Java programmers use to build or access web services

  • Detailed description of the lower-level SAAJ API, which allows direct access to the SOAP messages exchanged between web services and their clients

  • A discussion of asynchronous messaging using the JAXM API

  • Instructions on using the Java API for XML-based Registries (JAXR) to look up web services in a UDDI or ebXML registry and to publish your own web services

Intended for Java developers who need to implement Java services or who need their applications to access existing web services, "Java Web Services in a Nutshell" delivers practical information to help make sense of the rapidly changing official documentation.

This book is part of a multi-volume set of quick references that every Java programmer needs. It is a companion to both "Java in a Nutshell," which addresses the core APIs of the J2SE platform, and "Java Enterprise in a Nutshell," which covers the major APIs in the Java Enterprise platform on which web services will be built.

Additional Resources:

Kim Topley
ISBN 0-596-00399-4, 642 pages, $39.95 US, $61.95 CA, 28.50 UK
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000

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