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2004 O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference Call for Participation--Proposals Due June 11, 2004

May 4, 2004

Sebastopol, CA--The dust has settled from Apple's remodel from Classic to Mac OS X, and the consensus among developers and users alike--from artists and educators to scientists and senior citizens--is that this is a versatile, exciting platform. Apple's infectious passion for computing has it and other companies churning out a lengthening list of must-have tools and goodies. Rendezvous, Bluetooth, digital music, mobile computing, digital video, AirPort Extreme, and on and on--all continue to reward longtime users and convert geeks and power users alike from other platforms. Mac users, and the administrators who support them, are eager to master the incredible wealth of functionality that's now available, especially as Mac's digital lifestyle transforms both business and home environments.

The third annual , happening October 25-28 in Santa Clara, CA, is evolving right along with Mac OS X. "This is *the* platform for innovation," observes Derrick Story, conference program chair. Story and his committee are seeking conference proposals from people creating the future of the Mac, as well as those immersed in its day-to-day care and feeding. In particular, they're seeking presentations delving into technologies, methodologies, techniques, and just plain useful and cool stuff appealing to:

  • System administrators, especially those in cross-platform environments. This includes traditional Mac admins who are now getting up to speed on Unix and working the Mac into both sides of the firewall in businesses and organizations of all sizes, with an emphasis on networking, security, and workflow.

  • Developers who want to understand and leverage the new paradigms at the heart of Mac OS X, from Rendezvous to Bluetooth, Core Audio to Quartz Extreme, Cocoa to Java. Working in Xcode is important, but so is scripting with AppleScript, Perl, Python, Ruby, and PHP.

  • Digital musicians and their computer gurus who fine tune Macs for peak performance, design workflows to manage huge amounts of content, work with professional applications to create music, understand how to get new music in front of audiences, and can share insider business tips to keep the ink flowing in the black.

  • "We're also hoping to have a substantial number of talks aimed at pushing the Mac envelope in the 'Insanely Great Mac Track,'" says Story, "showing off the wonders of Mac OS X related to mobile computing, the iApps, home automation, creative networking, or digital media. Everyone who has a Mac loves to learn cool tricks that save time, increase efficiency, and make a computer fun to use. We want innovative sessions that will make both developers and administrators sit up and take notice, from overviews of cutting edge projects that will inspire attendees to come learn about the future of the platform, to practical, hands-on advice that will make it a no-brainer for IT departments to send their staff."

    Submitting Proposals:

    Individuals, companies, and project teams interested in making presentations, giving tutorials, or participating in panel discussions are invited to submit proposals in two categories: tutorials (three or six hour presentations) and conference sessions (45 or 90 minute presentations).

    Proposals need not be works of art--a thoughtful summary or abstract of the talk is sufficient for consideration. Outlines are preferred for tutorials. The proposal is what the conference committee uses to select speakers, so the committee needs enough information to understand the topic being covered. Presentations by marketing staff or with a marketing focus will not be accepted; neither will submissions made by anyone other than the proposed speaker. All session presenters whose talks are accepted will receive free admission to the conference. Proposals are due no later than June 11, 2004.

    If you have an idea for a panel discussion or a particularly provocative group of panelists that you'd love to see square off, feel free to send your suggestions to macosx-idea@oreilly.com.

    Additional Resources:

    • For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at the convention, contact Andrew Calvo at (707) 827-7176, or andrewc@oreilly.com.

    • For more information on Mac-related issues, visit the

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    O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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