Sebastopol, CA--O'Reilly Media is now a U.S. and Canadian reseller for Mandrakesoft, creators of Mandrakelinux. A user-friendly Linux distribution, Mandrakelinux is ideal for the growing legions of first-time Linux users. Linux's share of the desktop PC market is increasing, a trend being accelerated by the recent rise in the number of companies buying new computers. Major computer companies--including HP and IBM--have begun installing Linux instead of Windows on some of the models they build.
Founded in 1998 by several Linux enthusiasts, Mandrakesoft offers products and services for all Linux users, from beginners to experts. Mandrakelinux has been ranked as the #1 distribution on DistroWatch () for the past year and won the Linux Journal Reader's Choice Award in 2003 for Best Linux Distribution. O'Reilly is reselling two English-language versions of Mandrakelinux 10.0 (the newest release)-- and . Both versions are available at bookstores nationwide, and can also be ordered directly from O'Reilly.
"We're excited to team with O'Reilly, since they are one of the most influential open source supporters," explains Francois Bancilhon, CEO of Mandrakesoft. "We could hardly find a more significant partnership to leverage Mandrakesoft products' presence on the U.S. scene."
O'Reilly's upcoming "Test Driving Linux: A Desktop User's Guide" (O'Reilly, U.S. $24.95) by author Phil Lavigna, available this fall, will include a Live CD of MandrakeMove, which allows users to try Linux without changing, installing, or configuring anything on their PCs.
For more information about Mandrakesoft, visit .
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