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O'Reilly Launches the Designer's Notebook Series with "Photo Retouching with Photoshop: A Designer's Notebook" and "Illustrations with Photoshop: A Designer's Notebook"

January 3, 2005

Sebastopol, CA--The success of an artist relies on talent, hard work, inspiration, and a healthy appetite for learning new techniques. All too often, however, the hard work leaves little time for learning, much less learning from a selection of leading experts in one's field. With that in mind, the new Designer's Notebook series from O'Reilly presents a collection of concise, visually stunning lessons designed to inspire and instruct illustrators, graphic designers, photographers, and all professionals who create images, whether still or animated. Reflecting the best in the world of digitally created images, the books are at once eye-candy, artistic inspiration, and incomparable technical guidance.

World-renowned French artists share their exciting and innovative digital creations in the first two releases in the series, and , (O'Reilly, US $24.95) both first-time English translations of the cutting-edge French editions. In each, notebook, the authors share their secrets in workshops that demonstrate the step-by-step creation of their work. Unlike any other titles available, these dazzling, full-color books offer professionals the creative license and technical know-how they need to create one-of-a-kind digital images using Photoshop. Your results are limited only by your imagination.

The first two books in the Designer's Notebook series from O'Reilly include:

  • Photo Retouching with Photoshop: A Designer's Notebook
    How can you digitally restore old images, improve your holiday photographs, work with a colorimeter, retouch a subject's face, blend together several images, or simply enhance images that you've created? By using Photoshop to retouch your photographs. The authors--freelance photographers and photo retouching agents--present succinct, step-by-step lessons in the use of their techniques. These experts take you through all the stages of photo retouching, from reviewing the initial order, to collaborating with an artistic director, to choosing the format, to presenting the type of impression the image should create.

  • Illustrations with Photoshop: A Designer's Notebook
    In this lavish, full-color collection, nine French graphic artists--well-known professionals from a vibrant culture with a reputation for taking creative risks and producing incomparable graphics and art--are turned loose with Photoshop. Ranging from advertising to children's book illustration, science fiction to settings for graphic novels and role-playing games, their groundbreaking creations will inspire you to see your industry anew, appreciate graphic design from a changed perspective, and revitalize your work. The notebook leads you into the heart of each author's artistic approach, guiding you through the inception and making of nine unparalleled works of art that spring from widely varying sources of inspiration. But you'll come away with more than ideas and inspiration-- you'll find detailed, step-by-step information on making Photoshop do anything and everything you want to produce your ideal digital illustration.
  • Additional Resources:

    By G?rard Niemetzky, Dominique Legrand, Antony Legrand, ?ric Mah?, Vincent Risacher, Fran?ois Quinio, Thibaut Granier, Poisson Rouge, and Cyril Bruneau
    Translated by Marie-Laure Clec'h
    ISBN: 0-596-00860-0, 96 pages, $24.95 US, $36.95 CA

    By Bengal, Nicolas Bouvier, Benjamin Carr?, Judith Darmont, Nicolas Fructus, Hippolyte, Jo?l Legars, Antoine Quaresma, and Marguerite Sauvage
    Translated by William Rodarmor
    ISBN: 0-596-00859-7, 96 pages, $24.95 US, $46.95 CA

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