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"Essential Mac OS X Panther Server Administration": What Every IT Administrator Needs to Know About Panther

June 7, 2005

Sebastopol, CA--When preparing to join a battle in progress, you want to know what the field conditions are truly like--what to expect, how to take charge, and how to respond when circumstances take charge of you.

Before you drop into the action, you'd better be steeped in the real-world savvy you can get only from those who have confronted these same, myriad challenges as they arise without warning. If you're a systems or network administrator plying your craft in a Macintosh or mixed-platform environment, that means only one thing: Keep a copy of (Bartosh and Faas, O'Reilly, US $49.95) strapped to your thigh.

Bartosh and Faas wrote Mac OS X Panther Server Administration after discovering that current Mac OS X Server and Mac OS X systems administration reference guides were insufficient. "We realized you simply couldn't fill all the holes in the available knowledge with web-based discussion forums or articles," says Faas. Apple's server offerings are more viable than ever, and their proliferation in the institutional and enterprise marketplace is accelerating. Now is the time when administrators need solid, comprehensive, tested-in-the-field reference materials they can use to quickly implement these solutions and effectively maintain and grow them.

Divided into usable sections on installation, directory services, client management, and more, Mac OS X Panther Server Administration delivers. You say you want to master every aspect of the Mac OS X Panther Server? Here you go. At over 800 pages, Mac OS X Panther Server Administration is comprehensive, taking you from the fundamental through the arcane.

"Beginnings can be very delicate times, particularly where servers are concerned," Bartosh and Faas declare at the outset. That's why they start the book with "a thorough analysis, highlighting the configuration infrastructures Apple has placed around various open source tools as well as the fundamental operation principals of the underlying daemons and services themselves." Each chapter builds from here, delivering clear, expert insights and brimming with troubleshooting tips, security information, and more. With this guide, system administrators can take full advantage of the software's capabilities for the benefit of their organizations.

You want to go even further and figure out how far you can push the envelope? The answer is very far indeed. In every area, the book helps you implement and troubleshoot, and also illustrates how much more you can do.

In addition, Bartosh and Faas take pains to identify and describe the differences between Mac OS X Server and Client, and between Mac OS X Server and other server platforms. Mac OS X Panther Server Administration then, of course, goes further, focusing on deployment options, detailing how the various systems interact, and sharing all the best practices for integrating both Mac OS X Server and Client into various enterprise environments.

Mac OS X Panther Server Administration is ideal for customers wishing to achieve Apple Certified System Administrator (ACSA) certification and for every Mac OS X Server and Unix administrator who knows an exceptional field guide could mean the difference between a satisfying tour of duty and hell.

Additional Resources:

Michael Bartosh and Ryan Faas
ISBN: 0-596-00635-7, 848 pages, $49.95 US, $69.95 CAN
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000

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