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"Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Tiger Edition": Tiger Tips and Secrets Revealed in Bestselling Mac Book

July 13, 2005

Sebastopol, CA--The highly anticipated Tiger edition of the most popular Mac book on the planet-- (O'Reilly, US $29.95)--has been released from captivity. Tiger (formally known as Mac OS X 10.4), the newest version of Apple's elegant and user-friendly operating system, is packed with performance. Pogue reveals Tiger?s powerful new features, and shares secrets and interesting discoveries from his deep exploration of this sleek new OS.

With his trademark wit and humor, Pogue takes the reader on a thorough tour of Tiger--though it?s almost easy not to notice how much information he?s imparting, as the journey is so much fun. He shares insider tips and tricks for using new features like Spotlight, Dashboard, and Automator--including shortcuts that are easier and more streamlined.

"After a two-month slog into the darkest underpinnings of the OS, I came up with a few discoveries--secrets, really, that I had no idea were even there," states Pogue. "I've updated the book to provide a true revelation of the improved performance and new features, and an eye-opening experience of the not-so-apparent benefits."

The latest in O'Reilly?s series of popular Missing Manuals for the Mac platform, Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Tiger Edition unveils what every Mac user needs to know about Tiger.

Cool features and tips include:

  • Spotlight: Search for anything on your computer including files, email, calendar appointments, contacts, and more; use the keyboard to conduct special searches, and streamline the search to compress finds
  • Automator: Automate tasks and save as icons that are double-clickable; save workflow as a plug-in or an alarm that runs automatically; batch process images
  • Dashboard: Learn how to use widgets for checking out special interests like the weather, news, and stock portfolios--including workarounds and keyboard shortcuts
  • Menulets: Add useful but secret menulets to the right side of your menubar
  • iChat AV: Conduct multi-user chats and add videoconferencing capabilities for up to three people
  • Networked faxing: Use a networked Mac as an outgoing fax machine
  • As always, Pogue comes through with a richly detailed and entertaining manual, covering the inner workings of a powerful OS upgrade in his easily accessible and friendly style.

    Additional Resources:

    David Pogue
    ISBN: 0-596-00941-0, 864 pages, $29.95 US, $41.95 CAN
    1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000

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