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InDesign Production Cookbook: Real World Recipes for InDesign

December 6, 2005

Sebastopol, CA--Knowing what each feature and tool in InDesign can do sometimes isn't enough to get productive quickly. With the new , (Dabbs, Concepcion, McMahon, and Martin, O'Reilly, US $29.95) designers get "real-world" tried and true solutions from four expert authors. This book is a unique combination of concise explanations, expert tips, and practical recipes that will bring new users up to speed fast, while providing more seasoned professionals with the information they need to complete specific tasks on the run--all beautifully illustrated with full color images.

Whether you're an experienced designer using InDesign at a fairly advanced level or a desktop publishing beginner new to InDesign--or making the transition from QuarkXPress--you'll find InDesign Production Cookbook chock-full of practical information, with quick solutions to real-world layout challenges. The book covers the very latest features in Adobe InDesign CS2 for Windows and Macintosh, including tips on using the program with Bridge within Adobe Creative Suite 2.

"With 169 easy-to-follow recipes for graphic designers and desktop publishers, this is a serious book," said Alistair Dabbs, one of its authors. "But serious is not to be mistaken for dull or overly academic. This is also a fun book, with emphasis on learning to create, as well as recreate, designs."

InDesign Production Cookbook includes easy-to-follow recipes for:

  • Handling typography, including customization and special effects
  • Working with photographs and illustrations
  • Using InDesign's art tools to create illustrations
  • Formatting tables
  • Applying color and transparency effects
  • Building multi-page documents
  • Creating indexes and tables of contents
  • Making interactive multimedia eBooks
  • InDesign style tagging
  • There's even a chapter specifically for QuarkXPress users making the switch to Adobe InDesign, showing where you will find familiar tools and commands in the new program.

    Packed with step-by-step instructions, hundreds of full-color examples, and authoritative information and advice, InDesign Production Cookbook is the ultimate, no-nonsense production guide for every InDesign user.

    Additional Resources:

    • O'Reilly's Digital Media Resources
      The world of digital media continues to expand with possibilities. Digital technology is becoming more accessible and is sparking creativity in a broader audience. Digital media artists--from the hobbyist or pro photographer to the graphic designer and digital video producer, or the DJ to the songwriter and composer--can find a wealth of informative and instructional articles, books, guides, and media content at .

    Alistair Dabbs, Anne-Marie Concepcion, Ken McMahon, Keith Martin
    ISBN: 0-596-10048-5, 224 pages, $29.95 US
    1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000

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