O’Reilly news

The 2006 O'Reilly Open Source Convention: "Opening Innovation"

January 10, 2006

Sebastopol, CA--The Call for Participation has just opened for , the O'Reilly Open Source Convention. The program committee is seeking proposals for sessions and tutorials to address the needs of developers, sys admins, entrepreneurs, and business people working in free and open source software. OSCON is where the world shares ideas, discovers code, and finds solutions. This year's OSCON happens July 24-28, returning to Portland, Oregon for the third year in a row. The Call for Participation deadline is February 13th.

OSCON 2006 features the projects, technologies, and skills needed to write and deploy killer modern apps. Sessions and tutorial proposals should be full of actionable information and advice, above and beyond what's available online or in books. This year, the program committee is particularly interested in presentations on platforms and applications around:

  • Multimedia including voice (VoIP) and video
  • AI including spam-busting, classification, clustering, and data mining
  • Collaboration including email, calendars, RSS, OPML, mash-ups, IM, presence, and session initialization
  • Project best practices including governance, starting a project, and managing communities
  • Microsoft Windows-based open source projects including .NET, Mono, and regular C/C++/Visual Basic Windows apps
  • Enterprise Java techniques including integration, testing, and scalable deployment solutions
  • Linux kernel skills for sys admins including virtualization, tuning, and device drivers
  • Device hacking including iPods, Nintendo, PSP, XBox 360, and beyond
  • Design including CSS, GUI, and user experience (XP)
  • Entrepreneurial topics including management for techies, how to start a business, and business models that work
  • Security, including hardening, hacking, root kits (Sony and otherwise), and intrusion detection/cleanup
  • Fun subjects with no immediate commercial application including retro computing, games, and BitTorrent

Looking ahead to some of the topics OSCON will be tackling this year, program chair Nathan Torkington notes: "My push is to go out and proactively bring in the most interesting open source projects. I want to have a session on the GPL and web services--it's the first time we've addressed user freedom in web services since our 'Web Services Bill of Rights' a few years ago. I'm working with OSDL to get more Linux kernel content into the program for sys admins. CEOs need to know how open source projects work, so this year we're planning a day or two on issues around governance: who makes decisions, how to contribute, how to build a product around an open source project without turning the community against you, etc. We'll be trying to get more community involvement, too--find a way to build an ecosystem around OSCON where individual communities can plan their own get-togethers during the convention."

Tracks at OSCON include:

  • Desktop Apps
  • Databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres, and others
  • Emerging Topics
  • Java
  • Linux Kernel for SysAdmins
  • Linux for Programmers
  • Perl, celebrating the 10th year of The Perl Conference!
  • PHP
  • Programming, including everything that's not specific to a particular language
  • Python
  • Security
  • Ruby, including Ruby on Rails
  • Web Apps, including Apache
  • Windows

More information on speakers, sessions, tutorials, and events will be available when general registration opens in April 2006.

OSCON is one of the most popular places for the open source community to meet up, debate, make deals, and connect face to face. At OSCON 2005, more than 2,400 attendees took part in 241 sessions and tutorials across eleven technology tracks. A record number of product launches and announcements were made, and sponsors and exhibitors from a wide range of companies filled the largest exhibit hall in OSCON's history. Now in its eighth year, OSCON continues to be the crossroads for all things open source, attracting innovators, visionaries, and experts from around the world and across the spectrum of open source technologies.

Additional Information:

  • For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at O'Reilly conferences, contact Andrew Calvo at (707) 827-7176 or

    To become a media sponsor at O'Reilly conferences, contact Yvonne Romaine at (707) 827-7189 or


  • , January 24-26, 2006 in Burlingame, California
  • , March 6-9 in San Diego, California
  • , April 24-27 in Santa Clara, California
  • , June 13-14 in San Jose, California
  • O'Reilly European Open Source Convention, September 18-21 in Brussels, Belgium
  • Web 2.0, Fall 2006 in the San Francisco Bay Area

About O’Reilly

O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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