Sebastopol, CA--, the O'Reilly European Open Source Convention, is now accepting speaking proposals for its second annual event. This year's theme is "Opening Innovation." With free and open source software use on the rise all across the continent and particularly in governments, EuroOSCON creates a place for developers, sys admins, entrepreneurs, and business people working in free and open source software to come together to delve into critical issues across the spectrum of open source technologies. EuroOSCON takes place 18-21 September in Brussels, Belgium. Proposals are being accepted until 6 March.
The program committee is seeking session and tutorial proposals full of actionable information and advice, above and beyond what's available online or in books. Proposals on the following platforms and applications are especially welcome:
EuroOSCON co-chairs Nat Torkington and Nikolaj Nyholm would also like to review proposals for EuroOSCON that focus on the specific needs of the European FLOSS community, particularly policy and government roles. Notes Torkington, "We're taking the great response from last year, along with delegates' suggestions, and building a EuroOSCON program that's focused on the issues critical to the professional European open source community."
EuroOSCON brings a wide range of technologies, projects, and dimensions of interest together under one roof. Tracks at EuroOSCON include: business; desktop apps; databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres, and others; emerging topics; Java; Linux dernel for sys admins; Linux for programmers; Perl; PHP; programming, including everything that's not specific to a particular language; Python; security; Ruby, including Ruby on Rails; web apps, including Apache; and Windows.
EuroOSCON and its US counterpart, OSCON, are where developers, sys admins, innovators, decision-makers, and open source advocates using free and open source software gather to share ideas, discover code, find solutions, and connect face to face. More information on speakers, sessions, tutorials, and events will be available when general registration opens in April 2006.
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- O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, March 6-9, 2006 in San Diego, California
- , April 24-27 in Santa Clara, California
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- , July 24-28 in Portland, Oregon
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