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"DekePod" Entertains & Amazes--It's Your Money, Scan It!: Downloads Soar for Edgy New Podcast

May 10, 2006

Sebastopol, CA--Digital imaging guru Deke McClelland's new video podcast, "dekePod: The Pilot Edition," pulled in record downloads within a week's time--63,985 individual downloads were recorded by O'Reilly Media and the number keeps growing. According to Deke, " Best-case scenario, I thought we?d get 5,000 downloads in the first week. But somehow, we snagged over ten times that many! I have to lie down for a while and think about this."

Sponsored by Deke Press in association with O'Reilly Media and iStockphoto, "dekePod" is produced by San Francisco-based Flying Moose Pictures. The 5-minute show combines music, outtakes, and ironic imagery with a bare-bones, fast-paced narrative. Strewn throughout the pilot are photos from royalty-free image vendor iStockphoto.

Mark Frauenfelder blogged on Boing Boing: "Deke McClelland has a hilarious five-minute podcast about the ins and outs of scanning US currency. He's very energetic. I don't have this much personality until I've had five cups of coffee."

Viewer response ranges from "fascinating" and "blows my mind" to "seditious." One viewer even went so far as to recount the complete lyrics to "I Fought the Law and the Law Won, " as if anyone needs to be reminded of that tiresome old saw.

The pilot episode "It's Your Money, Scan It!" shows viewers a workaround in Photoshop to scan and open money (legal in the U.S. under the specific guidelines detailed at www.rulesforuse.org). Deke is the host of this educational, zippy, hilarious show.

  • Download or view as an H.264-compliant QuickTime movie.
  • Subscribe to "dekePod," launch Apple's iTunes and search for "dekePod," or , to launch iTunes automatically.
  • About Deke McClelland
    Deke McClelland is an internationally renowned expert on design and imaging applications. He has written more than 80 books translated into 24 languages and recorded several hundred hours of training video for Total Training. One of the most celebrated writers in the business, Deke was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame in 2002. Visit .

    About Flying Moose Pictures
    Flying Moose Pictures is a San Francisco consortium of charismatic megafauna providing services for clients who need creative communications. The Moose partners with members of the business and artistic community to produce corporate videos, music videos, video for live performance, narrative films, and documentaries. View their work at .

    About O’Reilly

    O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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