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RJS Templates for Rails, Managing Your Boss, and More New PDF Guides from O'Reilly

June 28, 2006

Sebastopol, CA--Building a Ruby on Rails web site? Then you'll want to hear what one satisfied reader said: "For the price of two burritos and a day of code copying and testing, you can skip five days or two weeks of digging for details." And he's not the only one singing praises of the new PDF offerings from O'Reilly. Another reader of calls it, "A must have for any rails developer?This book shows the most painless and innovate way to develop modern AJAX UIs for web applications."

Whether you're working with Rails or trying to keep your latest software project from being derailed by the misplaced guidance of a well meaning manager, you'll find the answers you need right now in the latest PDF offerings from O'Reilly. They're part of our commitment to delivering vital technology information to people who need it, when they need it. Readers purchase and download the PDFs through the O'Reilly online store, with no restrictions on the ability to save, copy, or print these documents.

The PDFs are timely, inexpensive, and give readers access to information as their need arises, without having to wait for an author to accumulate enough material to fill an entire book. Plus, readers can easily search the text, copy and paste handy bits of code into their applications, and take the PDF with them even when they're offline. Production time is drastically reduced, giving IT pros immediate access to the knowledge they want, but there's no compromise in the high-quality content for which O'Reilly is known. Good, cheap, and fast--with O'Reilly PDFs you never have to settle for two out of three.

The latest PDF offerings are:

By Cody Fauser
RJS templates are an exciting and powerful new type of template added to Rails 1.1. Unlike conventional Rails templates that generate HTML or XML, RJS templates generate JavaScript code that is executed when it is returned to the browser. This JavaScript generation allows you to perform multiple page updates in-place without a page reload using Ajax. All the JavaScript you need is generated from simple templates written in Ruby. This document helps you get acquainted with how RJS templates fit into the Rails framework and gets you started with a few easy-to-follow examples.
ISBN: 0-596-52809-4, 56 pages, $9.99 US, $12.99 CAN

by Arnold Robbins
In this quick reference, you'll find everything you need to know about the bash shell. Whether you print it out or read it on the screen, this PDF gives you the answers to the annoying questions that always come up when you're writing shell scripts: What characters do you need to quote? How do you get variable substitution to do exactly what you want? How do you use arrays? It's also helpful for interactive use. If you're a Unix user or programmer, or if you're using bash on Windows, you'll find this quick reference indispensable.
ISBN: 0-596-52776-4, 72 pages, $9.99 US, $12.99 CAN

By Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene
Like it or not, your project needs management. Yet few good software projects can survive bad management. If you're a programmer on a high-visibility project, this PDF offers five principle guidelines for managing upward that will help you help your boss make the right decisions about setting project expectations, working with users and stakeholders, putting the project on the right track, and keeping it there.

Even if you have the best boss in the world, chances are he or she does not come from an IT or software engineering background, and may lack the time or technical focus to manage your project well. And if your boss sinks your project, you'll share the blame-even if you did everything right. The guidance in this document can help you understand what problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them, and what you can do to keep your software project from running into trouble.
ISBN: 0-596-52802-7, 24 pages, $7.99 US, $9.99 CAN

by Giles Turnbull
What is a web app? It's software that you use right in your web browser. Rather than installing an application on your computer, you visit a web site and sign up as a new user of its software. Instead of storing your files on your own hard disk, the web app stores them for you, online.

Is it possible to switch entirely to web apps? To run nothing but a browser for an entire day? In this PDF we'll take you through one day in the life of a web apps-only user and chronicle the pros and cons of living by browser. And if the idea of switching, fully or partially, to web apps sounds appealing to you, we also take care of the job of investigating which web apps to use.

The immediate benefit of living by web apps is their accessibility: you can use almost any computer, anywhere, to retrieve your data. If you habitually switch between several computers of your own, web apps keep everything in sync and make version control simple. But there are also drawbacks to overcome: Can you trust web apps? Can you back them up? In this PDF we'll also address practicality, security issues, and backup strategies for living the web app life. Is it really possible? This PDF will help you decide.
ISBN: 0-596-52806-X, 24 pages, $5.99 US, $7.99 CAN

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O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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