Sebastopol, CA--The reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated. Indeed, while some have stated emphatically that the demise of information architecture is near, if not already upon us, author Peter Morville asserts: "In a Web 2.0 world of Ajax-enabled products, rich Internet applications, user participation, wikis, tagging, folksonomies, and interactive co-created experiences, information architecture is more important than ever." And one of the biggest challenges facing information architects today is to unlearn what has become ingrained.
"And yet, unlearn we must, for technology relentlessly transforms the playing field, changing not just the answers but the questions as well," write Morville and coauthor Louis Rosenfeld in the new edition of their classic (O'Reilly, US $39.99). "How do we structure for co-creation?" they ask. "How do we document the rich interfaces of web applications? How do we design for multiple platforms and mobile devices? What has changed, and what remains the same?" In writing the third edition of their book, these are the questions that kept Morville and Rosenfeld awake at night. There are no easy answers, but their book presents new approaches, balancing the old and new, and addressing emerging technologies while maintaining a focus on fundamentals.
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Third Edition (also known as "Polar Bear 3.0," for the animal on its cover), introduces tagging and advanced findability concepts, with recent examples, new scenarios, and information on best practices. Topics range from aesthetics to mechanics and include:
- An overview of information architecture for both newcomers and experienced practitioners.
- The fundamental components of an architecture, illustrating the interconnected nature of these systems. Updated, with updates for tagging, folksonomies, social classification, and guided navigation.
- Tools, techniques, and methods that take you from research to strategy and design to implementation. This edition discusses blueprints, wireframes, and the role of diagrams in the design phase.
- A series of short essays that provide practical tips and philosophical advice for those who work on information architecture.
- The business context of practicing and promoting information architecture, including recent lessons on how to handle enterprise architecture.
- Case studies on the evolution of two large and very different information architectures, illustrating best practices along the way.
is an independent information architecture consultant and Rosenfeld Media's founder and publisher. He cofounded the Information Architecture Institute, the User Experience Network (UXnet), and the ASIS&T IA Summit conference series. His recent clients include Accenture, Caterpillar, Ford, Microsoft, and the NCAA. He blogs regularly at .
is president of Semantic Studios, an information architecture, user experience, and findability consultancy that includes AT&T, IBM, Microsoft, Internet2, and Yahoo among its clients. A founding father of information architecture, Peter's work has been featured in publications such as "Business Week," the "Economist," "Fortune," and the "Wall Street Journal."
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Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Third Edition
Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville
ISBN: 0-596-52734-9, 504 pages, $39.99 US, $51.99 CA
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000
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