Sebastopol, CA--The holidays arrived early for Photoshop users. Late last week digital shooters enthusiastically buzzed with news of Adobe's public . Free to anyone with a valid CS2 serial number, the unexpected gift provides everyone (including Mac users who can take advantage of the Universal Binary-ness of CS3) a chance to buff and polish their holiday photos with up-to-the-nanosecond software. That is, if they know how to use it.
Fortunately, the bestselling author of (O'Reilly, $39.95) and Photoshop trainer extraordinaire, Deke McClelland, stands ready with a training video that covers CS3's terrific new features. Called "Photoshop CS3 Beta One-on-One Preview," this large-format 90-minute video series is available for free from Deke?s online media partner, . According to Deke, "Photoshop CS3 Beta is something very new, a free upgrade that'll work until the fully developed program ships next year. The day Adobe's download link went live, posted my 'Photoshop CS3 Beta One-on-One Preview' video series. These aren't demonstrational videos--they're the very first full training package on all the new features, big and small, complete with a live-action introduction and step-by-step exercise files. And it's totally free, to members and non-members alike. Combined with my Adobe Photoshop CS2 One-on-One book from O'Reilly, you have everything you need to know about Photoshop CS3."Here are just some of the cool CS3 tools Deke features in his new video:
- The reconfigured yet more highly efficient workspace with a brand new docking system
- A Loupe feature that allows you to magnify an image from the Bridge without opening it, so you can evaluate focus and detail
- The upgraded and newly effective Brightness/Contrast command
- The Auto-Align and Auto-Blend features, which merge scenes and scans seamlessly
- Nondestructive application of Photoshop filters, dubbed Smart Filters
- The ability to "swing" perpendicular planes to different angles in Vanishing Point 2.0
A trusted Photoshop trainer and author of more than 80 books over his 20-year career, Deke brings his enthusiasm, wit, and practical advice to this latest video. He'll cover all the tips and tricks along with old and new features alike, in his next book, "Adobe Photoshop CS3 One-on-One," coming from Deke Press/O'Reilly in a few months.
About the Author
In 2004 Deke created the One-on-One book series, which uses video, step-by-step exercises, and hundreds of full-color illustrations to provide readers with the closest thing possible to private instruction from a recognized expert. These ambitious, self-paced guides include the bestselling "Adobe Photoshop CS2 One-on-One" and "Adobe InDesign CS2 One-on-One." Late in 2006 Deke teamed up with vanguard online training company to bring the One-on-One training strategy to a line of video products, beginning with 'Photoshop CS3 Beta One-on-One Preview,' the first series available for the public beta of Photoshop CS3 Among Deke?s current videos are Photoshop Elements 5 Essentials and the number one ranked Photoshop CS2 Channels and Masks.
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Deke McClelland
ISBN: 0-596-10096-5, 512 pages, $39.95 US, $55.95 CA
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000
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