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Discover the Magic of Technology at O'Reilly ETech 2007

January 11, 2007

Sebastopol, CA -- What technological re-jiggering or change in perspective is poised to blast off into the realm of magic? The 2007 O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, ETech, will aim to answer this question. Spanning the gamut of tech from the infrastructure supporting mass-market players, to the promise of alternative energy sources, ETech will examine what's current while keeping an eye firmly trained on what's coming. Registration is now open for ETech 2007, which happens March 26-29 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California.

As always, ETech will balance pie-in-the-sky theorizing with practical, real-world information and conversation. The 2007 tutorials and sessions promise to show attendees how to inject magic into their projects, while on-site networking with a wide range of conference participants will encourage the development of new ways of thinking.

This year's featured speakers and sessions include:

  • Scott Berkun, author and professor of creative thinking at the University of Washington: How to Innovate on Time
  • Lee Felsenstein, award-winning electronic designer: If Paper Could Talk, What Would It Say?
  • Adam Greenfield, writer and user-experience consultant: Toward a New Animism: Old Interaction Paradigms for an Everyware World
  • Forest Higgs, CEO, Brosis Innovations: Building a 21st Century Industrial Base Via Open Source Technology
  • Andy Kessler, bestselling author: Silicon is Invading Medicine
  • Mike Kuniavsky, author, designer, and user experience expert: The Coming Age of Magic
  • Amy Jo (AJ) Kim, networked games designer: Putting the Fun in Functional: Applying Game Mechanics to Social Software
  • Seth Raphael, MIT Media Lab: Sufficiently Advanced Magic
  • Kathy Sierra, author and co-creator of the award-winning "Head First" series: Creating Addictive User Experiences
  • Richard Sprague, principal group program manager, Microsoft Speech Components Group (SCG): Effective Integration of Speech for Interacting with Devices
  • Matt Webb, principal, Schulze & Webb: From Pixels to Plastic

Over 1,200 technologists, CTOs, hackers, researchers, thinkers, strategists, entrepreneurs, business developers, and venture capitalists are expected to participate in ETech 2007. We invite you to be a part of the ideas, tools, and discussions happening today that will give rise to the magic of tomorrow.

O'Reilly conferences include: ETech, the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference; OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention; the MySQL Conference & Expo, co-presented with MySQL AB; ETel, the O?Reilly Emerging Telephony Conference; the O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference; the O?Reilly TOC Conference; RailsConf and RailsConf Europe, co-presented with Ruby Central; Web 2.0 Expo and Web 2.0 Summit (co-hosted by Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle, and co-produced with CMP Technology). O'Reilly conferences bring together forward-thinking business and technology leaders, shaping ideas and influencing industries around the globe. For over 25 years, O'Reilly has facilitated the adoption of new and important technologies by the enterprise, putting emerging technologies on the map.

Additional Resources:

For complete ETech conference details, visit:

Read the ETech conference blog for the latest event announcements and news:

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  • O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, March 26-29, 2007 in San Diego
  • Web 2.0 Expo, co-produced by O'Reilly Media and CMP Technology, April 15-18, 2007 in San Francisco, CA
  • MySQL Conference & Expo, April 23-26, 2007 in Santa Clara, California
  • RailsConf, May 17-20, 2007 in Portland, Oregon
  • O?Reilly Where 2.0 Conference, May 29-30, 2007 in San Jose, CA
  • O?Reilly TOC Conference, June 18-20, 2007 in San Jose, CA
  • O'Reilly Open Source Convention, July 23-27, 2007 in Portland, OR
  • O'Reilly Energy Innovation Conference, August 22-24, 2007 in San Francisco, CA
  • RailsConf Europe, co-presented by O'Reilly Media and Ruby Central, September 17-19, 2007 in Berlin, Germany

About O’Reilly

O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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