Sebastopol, CA—A PMP certification is more than just passing a test. It means that you have the knowledge to solve most common project problems, and it proves that you know your stuff. Not only that, the certification can lead to a better job, more money, and greater respect from one's peers. But studying for a difficult four-hour exam on project management isn't easy, even for experienced project managers. Fortunately, it doesn't need to be dull.
(O'Reilly, US $49.99) by Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman offers complete coverage of the PMBOK® Guide principles in a way that's engaging, not tedious. Head First books are designed to facilitate the learning process. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, they have a visually rich format that leverages the way a brain works—a multi-sensory experience that helps the material stick, not a text-heavy approach that puts readers to sleep.
The book helps readers prepare for the PMP certification exam with a unique method that goes beyond answers to specific questions, leading them to think about the big picture of project management. By putting project management concepts into context, readers can understand, remember, and apply them—not just on the exam, but also on the job.
"Jenny and I both love this material," says Stellman. "We get a kick out of explaining project management to people and helping them learn about it. We've read a library's worth of books on the topic, and the vast majority of them are dry and dull. Which is a real shame, because it's such relevant and naturally interesting stuff! How do you make a project work? How do you keep it on track? How do you lead your team, and get them to produce their best work and a product that people really need? It's really compelling stuff, so why do most books about it make you want to go to sleep?"
"That was where we started out with Head First PMP, and we think we've written a book that stays true to the material and helps you see all the intriguing stuff in the body of knowledge," adds Greene. "And 麻豆视频最新最全
is exactly the right term here—the PMP exam is based on the PMBOK® Guide—the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, published by the Project Management Institute. It's a great reference, but it's pretty dense. Our job was to cover all that material in a way that really draws in the reader and helps get the information straight into his or her head."
Greene and Stellman point out that Head First PMP is especially important now because the PMP certification is so widely accepted and expected. "Just take a look on at the number of project manager jobs that require PMP certification," says Greene.
"A good project manager can make a huge difference in your project, and a bad one can sink it," Stellman points out. "Employers know this, and they've found that when they hire a PMP certified project manager, they're getting a project manager who knows the practices that can make the difference between project failure and success."
Praise for Head First PMP:
This looks like to much fun to be a PMP study guide! Behind the quirky humor and nutty graphics lies an excellent explanation of project management processes. Not only will this book make it easier to pass the exam, you'll learn a lot of good stuff to use on the job too.
—Carol Steuer, PMP, PMBOK® Guide, Third Edition Leadership Team
This is the best thing to happen to PMP since, well, ever. You'll laugh, learn, pass the exam, and become a better project manager all at the same time.
—Scott Berkun, author of "The Art of Project Management" and "The Myths of Innovation"
Original, fresh, and fun...this is truly the perfect study companion for anyone aiming for PMP certification.
—Teresa Simmermacher, PMP and Project Manager at Avanade
Additional Resources:
Jennifer Greene, PMP and Andrew Stellman, PMP
ISBN: 0-596-10234-8, 658 pages, Print: $49.99 US, $64.99 CA
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000
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