RailsConf Europe is Speeding Ahead
The premier Rails event in Europe is rapidly approaching (17-19 September 2007, Maritim proArte Hotel, Berlin) and the conference chairs have been adding some great speakers. Recently added include:
* Dr. Roy T. Fielding will be delivering a keynote talk, entitled "The rest of REST." Dr. Fielding is the primary architect of HTTP/1.1, and co-author of the HTTP and URI standards. He is known to Rails developers for having defined and introduced the REST architectural style, a cornerstone of most modern Rails applications and a huge influence on the evolving shape of the Rails framework itself.
* In "The Rails Way" tradition, Rails core developers Michael Koziarski and Marcel Molina will host a session of live code- review and best-practices advice.
For more program information visit:
Co-produced by Ruby Central and O'Reilly Media, this is the largest European conference dedicated to everything Rails. Whether you're a Rails hacker, Rubyist, web developer, web-based entrepreneur or IT manager, RailsConf Europe will provide the time and place to connect, contribute and collaborate with the growing European Rails community. You'll see how European users are applying the Rails framework in their projects and businesses--and how they are achieving financial success.
If you'd like to have an opportunity to ask questions and get an overview of the goals of RailsConf Europe, program Chair David Black is available for interviews via phone. Contact Dawn Applegate with O'Reilly with your request.
Early registration is still open (until August 6), attendees can save by registering early at:
To apply for a media pass for RailsConf Europe visit:
We're thrilled to have several great companies as sponsors and exhibitors including: ELC Technologies, Sun Microsystems, ThoughtWorks, CodeGear, GotThingsDone.com, IBM, Unboxed Consulting, and Webpulser. For exhibition and sponsorship opportunities please contact Yvonne Romaine at yromaine@oreilly.com or 707-827-7198.
If you think your readership would be well served with more information or discount passes for RailsConf Europe, contact O'Reilly for information on media partner opportunities please contact mediapartners@oreilly.com.
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