Sebastopol, CA--No matter how much Mac experience you have, Mac OS X Leopard requires that you get reacquainted. There's a new look, a Quick Look, something called Stacks, a Time Machine, Spaces, and more. So what do Mac aficionados need to get to know Leopard? A clear and concise resource illuminating how best to use and unleash the operating system's powerful new features.
O'Reilly's newest release, (O'Reilly Media, $14.99), fills this need. This timely new resource by Mac expert Chuck Toporek comes packed with more than 300 tips and techniques. It covers all the details you need to learn Leopard's new features, configure your system, and get the most out of your Mac--fast.
"For me, there's a lot to love about Mac OS X Leopard," says Toporek. "The two big features that I can't live without now are Time Machine and Spaces. With Time Machine, there's no reason not to back up the Macs in my home office. It's automatic, and best of all it's transparent after you get through the initial backup."
As for Spaces, "it is--without a doubt--the best feature in Leopard! I do all of my writing on a MacBook, so there's not much screen there to work with. But with Spaces, I can have up to 16 virtual screens to work with, and I can configure it to have applications open in a specific Space. For example, I have Word in Space 1, Firefox in Space 2, iChat and AdiumX running in Space 3, Terminal in Space 4, and so on."
For Mac newbies, Toporek included a Survival Guide that explains how to adapt and a chapter on Mac OS X's key features. Experienced Mac users can leap right to the heart of Leopard with chapters on system preferences, applications and utilities, and configuration. Throughout this pocket guide, clear, easy-to-grasp tables, concise descriptions, and step-by-step instructions that explain:
- What's new in Leopard, including the Time Machine
- How to use Leopard's totally revamped Finder
- All about Spaces and how to quickly flip among them
- How to find things with Spotlight
- How to use Leopard's enhanced Parental Controls
- Handy keyboard shortcuts to increase your efficiency
- Quick tips for setting up and configuring your Mac to make it your own
So if you want to get in on the Leopard buzz and get started taming Apple's new cat now, this is the guide to keep close at hand.
Chuck Toporek is a Mac technology geek and a senior acquisitions editor with Addison-Wesley, a division of Pearson Education. He is the author of three Mac books and one medical book, and he has written for MacAddict and Macworld magazines.
Mac OS X Leopard Pocket Guide
Chuck Toporek
ISBN: 0-596-52981-3, $14.99 USD
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000
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