For Immediate Release
For more information contact:
Dawn Applegate
(707) 827-7111
O'Reilly Velocity Conference: Breaking Web Performance and Operations Barriers
Call for participation is now open
Sebastopol, CA, November 15, 2007--The first ever O'Reilly Velocity conference will take place June 23-24, 2008 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott in Burlingame, California. Web companies, big and small, face many of the same challenges: sites must be faster, infrastructure needs to scale, and everything must be available to customers at all times, no matter what. Velocity is dedicated to helping attendees obtain the crucial skills and knowledge to build successful websites. Velocity is where to learn how to build websites that are fast, scalable, resilient, and highly-available.
Expected to attend Velocity are over 600 developers, engineers, technology managers, executives, CTO/CIOs, entrepreneurs, researchers, and academics. Velocity provides two intense days devoted to technical sessions in two tracks: Performance and Operations. Attendees will learn practical techniques from peers, exchange ideas with experts, and share best practices & lessons learned. The conference planning team is actively seeking submissions around the following topics:
-Scaling experiences (good and bad)-CDNs: Getting content closer to the customer
-Networking, DNS, and load balancing
-Managing Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures
-Making RIAs that are fast!
-Maximizing Database Performance and Efficiency
-Optimizing Code
-Capacity Planning & Load Testing
-Configuration Management
-Monitoring & Instrumentation
-Incident Management & Business Continuity Planning
-Virtualization in Production
-Policy / Process / Compliance
Conference co-chair Steve Souders, is predicting a terrific conference and is seeking speaking proposals at a variety of level of depth: from medium-to-advanced:
"Today, everyone is focused on making their sites faster and more resilient. We're especially interested in hearing from the people who their company turns to when things go wrong, to learn about what they've found is the key to a scalable web app that delivers."
In addition to thought provoking and informative sessions, conference attendees will also have an opportunity to network at a variety of events including:
-Ignite, a rapid-fire showcase of amazing projects and ideas-Half day of Products & Services sessions which will cover performance and operations
-Birds of a Feather sessions: Evening gatherings that are attendee led around topics of interest
-An exhibit hall that will include sponsors and exhibitors who will be demonstrating as well as launching new products and services.
The submission deadline for all proposals is December 31, 2007. Registration for both general attendees and media will open in March 2008.
About the Program Chairs
Jesse Robbins is passionate about Operations, Distributed Systems, Fault-Tolerance, and Resilient Design. He currently advises startups and writes for O'Reilly Radar. He previously worked at where his title was "Master of Disaster" and where he was responsible for Website Availability. Jesse is a volunteer Firefighter/EMT and Emergency Manager, and led a task force deployed in Operation Hurricane Katrina.
Steve Souders works at Yahoo! as the Chief Performance Yahoo!. As part of his work, Steve has developed a set of best practices for making web sites faster. His book, High Performance Web Sites explains these best practices along with the research and hands-on results that went into them. Steve is the creator of YSlow, the performance analysis extension to Firebug. He has spoken at several conferences including OSCON, Rich Web Experience, Web 2.0 Expo, and The Ajax Experience. To see a description of program co-chair Steve Souder's book, visit:
Learn more about Velocity 2008 by visiting:
To submit a proposal during the call for participation phase, visit:
To read all of the news about Velocity 2008 visit:
If you'd like to stay up to date on information relating to Velocity, sign up for the conference newsletter:
To read the O'Reilly Radar, visit:
If you have ideas about areas you'd like to see included at the conference, send a note to:
For information about exhibiting or sponsoring at Velocity 2008 event, contact Sharon Cordesse at (707) 827-7065 or
If you would like to discuss forming a media or promotional partnership with O'Reilly for an upcoming event, contact Avila Reese at (707) 827-7116 or
About O’Reilly
O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.