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My New Mac--New from No Starch Press: New book shows readers how to make the most of their Macs with 52 simple projects

April 1, 2008

More and more people are ditching Windows and buying new Macs, whether it's because of the compelling design or the easy-to-use operating system. But switching to a new operating system can be confusing, even for the geeks among us. No Starch Press's geeky publisher, William Pollock, confesses: "I admit that I've had trouble turning a Mac on and off. When you've spent years with a PC, a Mac can be an entirely different animal."

(April 2008, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59327-164-0) was written to meet the needs of new Mac users. "This is a project-oriented book that will have newbies doing useful things with their Macs right away," said author Wallace Wang. "I know I've never enjoyed wading through menu after menu to become an expert on software I'll hardly use, and I figure I'm not the only one."

focuses on the sorts of entertaining and practical things people want to do with their new Macs, like surf the Internet, send email, listen to CDs, take notes, or play with digital photos. It's fun stuff, if you know how to do it.

Among the book's 52 simple projects are ones that show new users how to:
  • View stocks, flights, and the weather
  • Organize files and folders by color and keyword
  • Set up and manage parental controls to control computer and Internet access
  • Play and burn CDs and DVDs
  • Transfer photos from a digital camera to a Mac and organize them with iPhoto
  • Share songs, images, and documents wirelessly between Macs
  • Track birthdays with iCal
  • Clip and save information from the Internet
  • Keep themselves and their computers safe online

From the smiling origami iMac on the cover (instructions included) through each of the projects, encourages readers to treat their new computer as an opportunity for fun and exploration, not something serious and overwhelming. By diving in and learning as they go, readers will find that their Macs are as user friendly as promised—it just takes a helping hand.

For a review copy or more information please email nostarchpr@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

About the Author
is the author of several best-selling computer books including Steal This Computer Book, Steal This File Sharing Book, and The Book of Nero (all No Starch Press). He is also a successful standup comic who has appeared on A&E's "Evening at the Improv" and appears regularly at the Riviera Comedy Club in Las Vegas.

Additional Resources


My New Mac
Wallace Wang
ISBN 9781593271640, 480 pages, $29.95 USD

Available in fine bookstores everywhere, from , or directly from No Starch Press (, orders@nostarch.com, 1-800-420-7240).

About No Starch Press
Founded in 1994, is one of the few remaining independent computer book publishers. We publish the finest in geek entertainment—unique books on technology, with a focus on Open Source, security, hacking, programming, alternative operating systems, and LEGO. Our titles have personality, our authors are passionate, and our books tackle topics that people care about. See for more information and our complete online catalog. (And most No Starch Press books use RepKover, a lay-flat binding that won’t snap shut.)

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