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Simply Rails 2--New from SitePoint

May 14, 2008

Sebastopol, CA—SitePoint recently announced the release of ($39.95)--the first beginner's books to take advantage of all the new Rails 2 features.

Authored by Patrick Lenz, Simply Rails 2 is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to building powerful web applications using Ruby On Rails.

Perfect for the programming novice or someone looking to move into the agile Rails framework, this book will teach readers how to build bulletproof Web 2.0 applications from scratch, with more features using less code.

This outstanding book is available to purchase right now for US $39.95.

Patrick Lenz has been developing web applications for 10 years. As well as being the founder and lead developer of the freshmeat.net software portal, his Rails consultancy and application development company, limited overload, was responsible for a major relaunch of eins.de, which is now one of the most popular Ruby on Rails sites in Europe.

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For more information about the book, see the catalog page for:

Simply Rails 2, Second Edition
Publisher: SitePoint
Patrick Lenz
ISBN: 9780980455205, 450 pages, $39.95 USD

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SitePoint titles are distributed to bookstores internationally by O'Reilly Media. SitePoint specializes in publishing fun, practical, and easy-to-understand content for web professionals. Its popular online magazine, blogs, newsletters, and print books teach best practices to web developers and designers worldwide.

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