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Take Control of Apple Mail: User-friendly documentation for Apple Mail in Leopard

May 15, 2008

Take Control of Apple Mail: User-friendly documentation for Apple Mail in Leopard

Ithaca, NY?Mail 3, the free email client that Apple ships with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, is full-featured and popular. However, once users need to go beyond the basics, many fail to use it effectively due to minimal documentation and interface confusion. Help is now at hand in the form of a pair of electronic books from email expert Joe Kissell: the brand new Take Control of Apple Mail in Leopard, and the newly updated Take Control of Spam in Apple Mail. Both titles sell for $10 separately, or they may be purchased together for $15 at .

in Leopard looks carefully at how to set up different kinds of email accounts and where email from various accounts is stored, plus what to do if Mail can't successfully send or receive mail. After covering account setup, the ebook thoroughly covers the ins and outs of addressing, composing, and sending email. And, it helps readers get organized so they can read their most important messages first, plus find old messages easily. Plus, it examines making Time Machine backups of email, Address Book integration, Notes and To-Do items, archiving messages, rules, basic spam management, and more.

Questions answered in the book include:

  • What are the most important changes in Leopard Mail?
  • How can I read my email on more than one computer?
  • How do I use Mail as an RSS reader?
  • I attached a note to an email message, but where did it go?
  • Are there third-party tools that extend Mail's capabilities?

covers everything an Apple Mail user might need to know about zapping spam. After providing readers with basic background on types of spam and how spammers perform their annoying tricks, the ebook gives readers advice and specific steps for maximizing how Apple Mail filters out spam. And, if a reader follows all those steps and still has too much spam, the ebook takes it to the next level with a detailed look at third-party software designed to help Mail users eliminate spam. The ebook also includes a coupon for $5 off SpamSieve, the author's top pick for a third-party spam fighting utility.

Questions answered in the book include:

  • How can I optimize Mail's junk mail filter?
  • What's a Bayesian filter?
  • How should I handle fraudulent or malicious messages?
  • How can I fine-tune my Previous Recipients list to help zap spam?
  • What third-party utilities work best to help Mail better filter out my spam?

Take Control editor in chief Tonya Engst said, "Whether you're just getting started with Mail or you want to tune your Mail know-how so you can take it to the next level, these ebooks have a lot to offer. I just switched from Eudora to Mail, and I found Joe's advice to be extremely valuable."

Joe Kissell has written numerous books about the Macintosh, including many popular Take Control ebooks. He's also Senior Editor of TidBITS, contributes frequently to Macworld, and previously spent ten years in the Mac software industry. Joe Kissell joined the TidBITS staff in 2006 as Senior Editor and currently lives in Paris. He has written more than a dozen Take Control ebooks, including the best-selling Take Control of Mac OS X Backups. He's also the author of numerous print books about Mac OS X and a frequent contributor to Macworld magazine. Joe runs a business called alt concepts, which publishes such Web sites as Interesting Thing of the Day and Truffles for Breakfast.

Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail
PDF format, 72 pages, free sample available
PDF Price: $10.00 USD
ISBN: 9781933671031

Take Control of Apple Mail in Leopard
PDF format, 95 pages, free sample available
PDF Price: $10.00 USD
ISBN: 9781933671383

About TidBITS

The Take Control series is published by TidBITS Publishing Inc. TidBITS co-founders Adam and Tonya Engst have been publishing highly regarded news and editorial since 1990 when they created the online newsletter TidBITS, which covers Macintosh- and Internet-related topics. The Take Control series has helped many thousands of readers with high-quality, timely, real-world, cost-effective documentation since 2003.

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