Dojo: The Definitive Guide offers the most thorough overview of this toolkit available, covering everything from how to create complex layouts and form controls closely resembling those found in the most advanced desktop applications with stock widgets, to advanced JavaScript idioms to AJAX and advanced communication transports. The book includes:
- A concise introduction to Dojo that's good for all 1.x versions
- Well explained examples, with scores of tested code samples, that reveal Dojo in action
- A comprehensive reference to Dojo's standard JavaScript library (including fundamental utilities in Base, Dojo's tiny but powerful kernel)
- An extensive look at additional Core features, such as animations, drag-and-drop, back-button handling, animations like wipe and slide, and more
- Exhaustive coverage of out-of-the-box Dijits (Dojo widgets) as well as definitive coverage on how to create them, either from scratch or building on existing ones
- An itemized inventory of DojoX subprojects, the build tools, and the DOH, Dojo's unit-testing framework that you can use with Dojo—or anywhere else
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is a computer scientist from middle Tennessee. Hacking and writing are two activities essential to his renaissance man regimen.
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Matthew Russell
ISBN: 9780596516482, 486 pages, $39.99 USD, £24.99 GBP
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