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You are invited to a free live webcast--Success Factors: What traditional business really needs to know about Web 2.0

July 2, 2008

The business world is experiencing successive waves of disruption caused by new trends and technologies; from publishing to media and entertainment, software development to financial services and healthcare, entire industries are being transformed by the Internet. With Web 2.0 technologies gaining traction, these rates of change are likely to only increase as new forms of collaboration-enabled by technology--unlock the creative capacity of people across the globe. Within such an environment, learning and leadership are survival skills.

While most organizations recognize the need to address these changes, their responses are typically anemic and inclined to failure. Most strategies fails for the same, simple reasons:

  • A heavy reliance on outside expertise
  • A basic failure to understand the shift in organizing principles and mindsets that define Web 2.0 companies

Based on direct experience consulting in the field, and backed by O'Reilly's thought leadership on Web 2.0, this webcast is for the rest of us: executives and professionals working in "traditional" (non-Internet native) business trying to take advantage of new trends. We'll explore the underlying organizing principles and success factors in building and executing a Social Web strategy, specifically:

  • New ways of listening
  • A focus on relationship building
  • Creating "Open" strategies

We'll send you a reminder before the webcast. And please feel free to share this invitation with others.

Date: Thursday, July 10 at 10am PDT (17:00 GMT)
Cost: Free
Duration: 45 minutes
Meeting link:
Teleconference dial-in:
(select the number that is closest to your location)
East Coast US: +1 617 231-0350 and pin 8136507
West Coast US: +1 213-455-0500 and pin 8136507

Questions? Please send email to webcast@oreilly.com

About Joshua Ross

Joshua Ross, vice president of , has been consulting with businesses on digital strategy for over a decade. During that time, he has overseen the launch of dozens of highly successful, enterprise-class ecommerce sites, exchange platforms, and community sites. He has worked extensively with start-ups to Fortune 500 companies on strategy and governance planning for ebusiness.

Joshua comes with a deep background in online marketing and communications, utilizing emerging social media technologies--community, blogging, virtual worlds, and WOM, among others-to deliver highly successful, sustainable marketing strategies. His focus over the last three years has been on applying Web 2.0 principles to deliver competitive advantage to Global 2000 clients, from new business model development to customer engagement and communication strategies. Joshua has been a guest lecturer at Harvard University on information design and human factors, and has spoken at conferences related to technology and digital strategy. Past clients include Washington Mutual, Accenture, Best Buy, Autodesk, and Polycom. Joshua holds a degree with honors in Chinese Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

About O’Reilly

O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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