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Deke McClelland Reviews Photoshop CS4 on dekePod! O'Reilly Media Alert--New Books & New Videos on CS4, Too!

September 23, 2008

Sebastopol, CA—For visually creative folks of all stripes, the wait is over! Digital shooters are buzzing with the announcement of Adobe's Creative Suite 4. And day and date with Adobe's news, electronic publishing pioneer is providing a third-party, impartial, and highly opinionated five-minute review of the new software. His latest dekePod episode, , shows you all facets of the program--complete with commentary--without interrupting your busy day.

According to Deke, "Come September 23, there's going to be a fair amount of early training and demos available on Photoshop and the other CS4 apps. But without the software, is that helpful? It struck me, what's really needed is a product review. A sassy, no-holds-barred, is-this-thing-worth-buying-or-not review. Which is exactly what this episode of dekePod is."

What's improved in Photoshop CS4 according to Deke? The new Adjustments and Masks palettes are interesting. But the reasons to buy are the target adjustment tool, content-aware scaling, OpenGL navigation, and vastly improved dodging and burning. Tune in to the latest dekePod and get the full story. While you're at it, check out Deke's video and the rest of his every-other-weekly podcasts at .

Cradle-to-grave training is in the works as well. Explains Deke: "Come October 15, when CS4 actually ships, we'll have books and videos ready and waiting. I just finished the last chapter of my book-with-video title last night, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. I managed to cover all the new stuff and add several brand-new exercises without adding a single page. Plus I doubled the amount of video content. There's more than 4 hours now! The best training system for Photoshop is now that much better."

And with eight new books and video lessons in the works, O'Reilly's roster of highly regarded authors are ready to help you make the leap to CS4. Deke joins this list of bestselling and authors--including iStockphoto evangelist --who is busily working on her own book, . Indeed, O'Reilly's got the tailored resources about CS4 for every type of user, from professional designers and digital photographers to the DIY crowd.

October brings the first of Deke's four new One-on-One titles, , as well as the newest insallment in the Companion series-- by writer, teacher, and professional photographer .

And in November, bestselling author helps both first-time and experienced web designers bring stunning, interactive website to life with crystal-clear writing and welcome humor. Founded by , offer enough clarity for novices, and enough depth and detail for power users.

A trusted resource for 30 years, O'Reilly authors bring their enthusiasm, wit, and practical advice to everything they create. They know their stuff--and they know how to share that knowledge with readers at every level, with a style and independent perspective that's uniquely O'Reilly.

Here's the list of upcoming titles:

October CS4 Titles

photoshop cs4 1-on-1.gif Adobe Photoshop CS4 One-on-One by
Pioneering computer graphics author Deke McClelland updates his bestselling tutorial.
ISBN 9780596521899, $49.99

photoshop companion.gif The Photoshop CS4 Companion for Photographers by
Photoshop books are hugely successful, but none of those aimed at digital photographers are concentrated or portable enough to take on the road. This one is.
ISBN 9780596521936, $24.99

November CS4 Titles

indesign cs4 1-on-1.gif Adobe InDesign CS4 One-on-One by
With Deke McClelland's popular teaching method, students learn to "read, watch, and do" to master Adobe InDesign.
ISBN 9780596521912, $49.99

dreamweaver cs4 tmm.gif Dreamweaver CS4: The Missing Manual by
Adobe's Dreamweaver covers a rich environment for building professional websites with drag-and-drop simplicity.
ISBN 9780596522926, $44.99

flash cs4 tmm.gif Flash CS4: The Missing Manual by
The step-by-step tutorials in this book teach readers how to bring gorgeous animations to life onscreen.
ISBN 9780596522940, $39.99

ps channels masks.gif Photoshop CS4 Channels & Masks One-on-One by with
The book guides readers step-by-step through key aspects of using channels and masks in Photoshop (a must for any Photoshop power user), backed by contextual video on DVD.
ISBN 9780596516154, $49.99

December CS4 Title

photoshop cs4 tmm.gif Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual by , foreword by
Written with humor, authority, and advice, this Missing Manual teaches readers of all levels how to use the most popular--and confounding--photo editing and graphics program.
ISBN 9780596522964, $49.99

March 2009 CS4 Title

illustrator cs4 1-on-1.gif Adobe Illustrator CS4 One-on-One by
Adobe Illustrator CS4 is the most popular and viable vector-drawing program for a simple reason: It's the best. And once they read about a particular technique, they can see how it's done first-hand in the video. Another great CS4 title!
ISBN 9780596515928, $49.99


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Sebastopol, CA 95472

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O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.

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