"Lesa's book is a great resource for Photoshop pros and newbies alike," says Editor Dawn Frausto. "For people who are new to the program, she explains basic concepts like resolution that folks need to understand when working with images. For experienced Photoshop jockeys, Lesa guides you through advanced techniques and explains all the features that are new in CS4."
The newest installment to renowned will be there as well. (O'Reilly Media, $49.99) contains a unique combination of step-by-step text lessons, DVD-video demonstration, and real-world projects. You'll quickly learn how to select and composite highlights, shadows, clouds, fabric, flame, eyes, hair, and more. Digital Media Editor says about this book, "I've never seen 500 pages like this. It truly delivers on its deep-dive promise and it's gorgeously crafted."
So while you're at Macworld, don't forget to stop by our booth (#2210) and check out these two new books, as well as meet many of our other authors, including David Pogue, Lesa Snider King, and Deke McClelland. For a complete listing of all the author presentations, see the official "O'Reilly at Macworld" website at .
And f you missed the "Ask the Experts" panel on Sunday night at Book Passage, you still have a chance to see them on Thursday night at 7:30pm at the San Francisco Apple Store.
For more information about author presentations and other events taking place during Macworld, including times, locations, and contact information, check out O'Reilly's Macworld page: . You'll find everything you need to know about how to get the most out of your MacWorld experience.
For a review copy or more information please email pressroom@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.
is chief evangelist for iStockphoto, is on a mission to teach the world to create better graphics. She鈥檚 an author for KelbyTraining.com (From Photo to Graphic Art, Practical Photoshop Elements) and Lynda.com (Graphic Secrets for Business Professionals), plus writes regularly for Photoshop User, Elements Techniques, and Macworld magazines. You can catch her graphics tip of the week live each Wednesday on YourMacLifeShow.com, which she also co-hosts.
is the author of a dozen books and hundreds of magazine articles on digital imaging for photographers. He also publishes the Digital Darkroom Quarterly print newsletter and Digital Darkroom Questions email newsletter. He speaks at a variety of events, including Photoshop World as a member of the Photoshop World Dream Team of instructors. Tim takes advantage of every opportunity to photograph near his home in Bellevue, Washington.
is an electronic publishing pioneer and a popular lecturer on Adobe Photoshop and the larger realm of computer graphics and design. He has hosted Adobe's official "Video Workshop" DVDs that shipped with many versions of Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as hundreds of hours of tutorial-style video training for industry leader lynda.com, with whom his work has won a record-setting eight international awards in the last 12 months. In addition to his video work, Deke has written over 80 books translated into 24 languages, with more than 4 million copies in print. In 2004, Deke created the bestselling One-on-One book series. Published with O'Reilly Media, One-on-One uses video, step-by-step exercises, and hundreds of full-color illustrations to provide readers with the closest thing possible to private instruction from a recognized expert.
Additional Resources:
For more information about Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual, including table of contents, index, author bios, and cover graphic, see:
For more information about Photoshop CS4 Channels & Masks One-on-One, including table of contents, index, author bios, and cover graphic, see:
Lesa Snider King
ISBN: 9780596522964, 796 pages, $49.99 USD, £35.50 GBP
Deke McClelland , Tim Grey
ISBN: 9780596516154, 497 pages, $49.99 USD, £35.50 GBP
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