Whether you're an absolute beginner or a power user ready to try some advanced techniques, author and graphics pro offers crystal-clear, jargon-free instructions to help you take advantage of these powerful tools -- not only how they work, but when you should use them.
You'll quickly get up to speed on new CS4 features such as:
- Photoshop's completely revamped workspace
- Smoother image display and quick zoom, including the new pixel grid view
- New Masks and Adjustments panels
- The Vibrance adjustment layer
- Hand-painting adjustments and using graduated filters in Camera Raw
- Enhanced Adobe Bridge
You'll also find out which features work well, and which aren't worth your time. Written with the clarity, humor, and objective scrutiny that are hallmarks of the , is the friendly, thorough resource you need. Why settle for anything less?
is chief evangelist for iStockphoto, is on a mission to teach the world to create better graphics. She?s an author for KelbyTraining.com (From Photo to Graphic Art, Practical Photoshop Elements) and Lynda.com (Graphic Secrets for Business Professionals), plus writes regularly for Photoshop User, Elements Techniques, and Macworld magazines. You can catch her graphics tip of the week live each Wednesday on YourMacLifeShow.com, which she also co-hosts.
For more information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bios, and samples, see:
Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual
Lesa Snider King
Foreward by David Pogue
ISBN: 9780596522964, $49.99 USD
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
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