"In-person training is the obvious extension from our books, course, and conferences. We've launched O'Reilly Training to expand in the way we engage with our community," said O'Reilly Media Vice President Allen Noren. "And in this increasingly competitive job market, having top-of-the-line technical skills is essential."
These affordable, in-person classes with O'Reilly Media experts are designed to help participants improve their skills and learn important new techniques. The first three one-day Master Classes on , , and are scheduled for March 30 in San Francisco.
O'Reilly Master Class: Douglas Crockford, March 30, 2009, San Francisco, CA
JavaScript: The Good Parts
Like most languages, JavaScript contains both good and bad parts. The bad parts keep it from becoming an elegant, lightweight, and highly expressive language. In this class, you'll discover good JavaScript you can use to create truly extensible code. The author of , (O'Reilly Media), is a regular speaker at conferences on advanced JavaScript topics. He serves on the JavaScript 2.0 committee at ECMA.
For more information and to register:
O'Reilly Master Class: Scott Berkun, March 30, 2009, San Francisco, CA
Leading and Managing Breakthrough Projects
, author of the bestselling (O'Reilly Media) uses valuable insights from the past as well as challenging in-class exercises to help you develop the leadership skills and knowledge you need to manage innovative people and projects.
For more information and to register:
O'Reilly Master Class: Steve Souders, March 30, 2009, San Francisco, CA
Creating High Performance Web Sites
While working at Google and Yahoo!, developed rules that cut up to 25% off response time for page requests. In this class, Souders, the author of the bestselling OReilly book, (O'Reilly Media), explains those rules and shows you how you can greatly improve the performance of your existing web pages.
For more information and to register:
About O’Reilly
O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.