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Architectural Photography--New from Rocky Nook: Composition, Capture, and Digital Image Processing

July 15, 2009

Santa Barbara, CA—Architectural photography is more than simply choosing a subject and pressing the shutter release button; it’s more than simply documenting a project. An architectural photograph shows the form and appeal of a building far better than any other medium. With the advent of the digital photographic workflow, architects are discovering exciting new opportunities to present and market their work.

But to photograph architectural subjects what equipment do you need? What are the ingredients for a successful image? Why does a building look different in reality than in a photographic image? How can you improve your images in your digital darkroom? In ($44.95 USD), a new title from , you will find the answers to these questions and much more.

, both an architect and a photographer by training, uses real world projects to teach and illustrate how to:

  • Capture outstanding images of buildings, inside and out
  • Choose the right equipment and use it effectively
  • Compose architectural shots
  • Work with ambient and artificial light
  • Process images in an efficient workflow based on Adobe Photoshop

This book is a step-by-step guide to architectural photography both for the aspiring amateur photographer interested in architectural photography and for the professional photographer wanting to expand his skills in this domain. Moreover, architects themselves will find this book motivating and inspiring.

For a review copy or more information please email rockynookpr@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

lives in Berlin, Germany and received a degree in architecture from TU Berlin. Early in his studies, he became interested in architectural photography, and thus it became the subject of his thesis. Adrian now works as a professional architectural photographer both in Germany and North America.

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Publisher: Rocky Nook
Adrian Schulz
ISBN: 9781933952437, 232 pages,
Book Price: $44.95 USD, £34.50 GBP

About Rocky Nook
Rocky Nook's books are distributed internationally by .

was founded in early 2006 in Santa Barbara, California, and is closely associated with dpunkt.verlag, a leading publisher of books on technology based in Heidelberg, Germany. The focus of Rocky Nook's publications is on digital photography and computing.

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