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CSS: The Missing Manual, Second Edition--New from O'Reilly: Your Questions About Creating Professional-Looking Websites Answered

September 2, 2009

Sebastopol, CA—Cascading Style Sheets help you build gorgeous, quick-loading web pages with all the latest features--if you know what you're doing. But the gurus who designed CSS didn't exactly make things simple. Fear not! (O'Reilly Media, $34.99 USD) makes it easy to create the professional-looking websites you want.

Written by , the bestselling author of Dreamweaver: The Missing Manual and the first edition of CSS: The Missing Manual, this book will help both beginners and web-building veterans alike. McFarland combines crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and a dash of humor to help readers make the most of CSS. will be among the first books to fully cover Internet Explorer 8. But unlike competing books, doesn't assume that everyone in the world only uses Internet Explorer; our book provides support for Firebox, Safari, and other major web browsers.

In the book's introduction, MacFarland states, "As you read the book's chapters, you'll encounter a number of living examples--step-by-step tutorials that you can build yourself, using raw materials (like graphics and half-completed web pages) that you can download from . You may not gain very much by simply reading these step-by-step lessons while relaxing in your porch hammock. But if you take the time to work through them at the computer, you'll discover that these tutorials give you insight into the way professional designers build web pages."

In this fully revised edition, walks you through the important stuff you need to know:

  • Learn how to think like a CSS designer when writing or editing your HTML
  • Develop timesaving CSS practices by following step-by-step tutorials
  • Design elegant layouts by using CSS instead of HTML
  • Add navigation bars and rollover links to guide visitors through your site
  • Learn which CSS 3 properties work in the latest browser versions--including Internet Explorer 8

Unlike other books, you will find the URLs of the finished pages in each lesson, so that you can compare your work with the final result. In other words, you won't just see pictures of the how the web pages should look; you'll find the actual, working web pages on the Internet.

Written in the witty and entertaining Missing Manual style, this second edition covers more elements of CSS 3, the specification's latest version, and Internet Explorer 8. Newcomers and experienced web designers alike will learn how to tap into the real power of CSS to build sparklingly new websites, or refurbish old sites that are ready for an upgrade.

For a review copy or more information please email peyton@oreilly.com Please include your delivery address and contact information.

is president of Sawyer McFarland Media, Inc., a Web development and training company in Portland, Oregon. He's been building websites since 1995, when he designed an online magazine for communication professionals. He wrote the bestselling Missing Manual titles on Adobe Dreamweaver, CSS, and JavaScript.

Additional Resources:
For more information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

David Sawyer McFarland
ISBN: 9780596802448, 558 pages,
Book Price: $34.99 USD, £26.99 GBP
Ebook Price: $27.99 USD


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