Seattle, WA—September 24, 2009— and today announced a joint arrangement to support and expand Microsoft Press from production through distribution, co-publishing and content development, marketing and management. Through this strategic relationship, on November 30, O'Reilly will become the distributor of titles in North America with a global roll out in a phased approach. Both O'Reilly and Microsoft will develop Microsoft Press titles. , publisher of the iconic "animal books" for developers, has been at the forefront of online publishing and is the host and founder of several conferences for developers including the popular Tools of Change for Publishing Conference.
This collaboration takes advantage of O'Reilly's groundbreaking digital publishing innovations and social media know-how to increase Microsoft Press' reach and develop its content for multiple, multimedia channels. Microsoft Press books have helped millions of people understand and use Microsoft technologies. By bringing that content to digital and mobile devices and platforms worldwide, millions more will have access to that same great content.
"The publishing industry is rapidly evolving, embracing the new and interesting ways that people are consuming information, and using personal technology. By working together with O'Reilly Media, Microsoft authors will have greater opportunity for exposure, and readers will have more access to author content," said Walid Abu-Hadba, corporate vice president, Developer and Platform Evangelism, Microsoft Corp. "This is an opportunity to give our customers a broader and more robust portfolio that is more responsive to their needs."
Microsoft will continue to produce training content and will optimize efficiencies through O'Reilly's expertise in global manufacturing, distribution, sales, and marketing. This will fuel market potential for Microsoft Press and greater responsiveness to new opportunities while allowing customers to continue buying books through current online and retail channels. Microsoft continues to keep customers apprised of current books about Microsoft technologies on .
"There are more than 40 million people walking around the world with a mobile phone or digital device which essentially gives them a bookstore in their pocket. That's an enormous opportunity for publishers today," said Tim O'Reilly, founder and CEO of O'Reilly and an influential leader in the Open Source and Web 2.0 communities who has over one million Twitter followers. "We are no longer a print publisher that happens to sell digital books too. We're a digital publisher that also sells print books. All publishing is now digital publishing, and all writing is writing for the web. Books must behave like the web they're now a part of."
"We will apply the lessons we've learned and the knowledge we've gained about digital publishing," added O'Reilly. "And we will remain true to our own values. All the derivative content from each Microsoft Press title--whether it's an ebook, app, webcast or an interactive video--will be issued DRM-free, because that's what we believe in doing."
Partnering with O'Reilly provides the following key benefits:
- Marketplace agility. O'Reilly's digital publishing innovations and multiple media channels will deliver Microsoft Press content to users and readers when and where they want to consume it--whether it's in a book, on their computer, or on their mobile phone.
- Increased visibility. Access to O'Reilly's social media tools, webcast program, and online portals and websites will expand the reach of Microsoft Press' titles and content worldwide.
- New opportunities for authors. O'Reilly's Author Portal will give Microsoft Press authors immediate access to an array of marketing and social media tools to help them promote their books and themselves as experts in their fields.
"O'Reilly is doing this because we believe in the future of Microsoft Press," said Laura Baldwin, COO and CFO of O'Reilly Media. "We're thrilled to collaborate with Microsoft and we're excited about working with Microsoft Press. We've built an infrastructure that maximizes the value of technical content through both digital and print publishing, and we're delighted to extend that value to Microsoft."
About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.About O’Reilly
O’Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences. Since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been a chronicler and catalyst of cutting-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying “faint signals” from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.