Panoramas offer new possibilities for creative photographers, either as flat, two-dimensional images, or mapped into a 3D space that can be visited on a virtual tour. New, powerful, panorama software makes the workflow easier and more efficient than ever before.
In (Rocky Nook, $34.95 USD) you will find everything you need to know to create amazing panoramic images. Author takes the reader on a tour from the basics of capturing panoramas, all the way through stitching, editing, and printing panoramic images. He provides a detailed description of the necessary equipment and materials, as well as the various software tools that can be used in the workflow. The latter half of the book illustrates the making of panoramas through a number of example projects.
Topics covered include:
- History of panoramas and panoramic cameras
- Shooting technique and equipment
- Stitching methods
- Output methods
- Stitching software
- Case studies of indoor and outdoor panoramas
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lives in Bonn, Germany where he works as a designer and photographer for international clients. Digital photograhic panoramas was the subject of his thesis at the "Universitaet der Kuenste" in Berlin, and it has become one of the tools for his work as an artist and designer. One of the widely recognized projects of Harald Woeste is the panoramic capture of the exhibit "Einstein, Engineer of the Universe" in Berlin.
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Publisher: Rocky Nook
Harald Woeste
ISBN: 9781933952451, 160 pages,
Book Price: $34.95 USD, £26.99 GBP
About Rocky Nook
Rocky Nook's books are distributed internationally by .
was founded in early 2006 in Santa Barbara, California, and is closely associated with dpunkt.verlag, a leading publisher of books on technology based in Heidelberg, Germany. The focus of Rocky Nook's publications is on digital photography and computing.
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