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Your Money: The Missing Manual--New from O'Reilly: Answers to all of your finance questions found here!

March 15, 2010

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Sebastopol, CA—Keeping your financial house in order is more important than ever. But how do you deal with expenses, debt, taxes, and retirement without getting overwhelmed? (O'Reilly Media, $21.99 USD) by acclaimed personal finance blogger points the way. It's filled with the kind of practical guidance and sound insights that makes Roth's a much-admired source of personal-finance advice.

"I've spent the past four years learning about personal finance. But none of the books I read were exactly the sort of thing I wished I'd had when I was struggling with money a decade ago," explained Roth, who founded in April 2006. "I wrote for people with everyday jobs and everyday worries; a book they could use to get their feet under them and actually get started with saving and investing."

You won't find any get-rich-quick schemes here, just for getting the most from your money. And even if you have perfect credit and no debt, you'll learn ways to make your rosy financial situation even better.

walks you through all of the important stuff you need to know, including:

  • What you need to make sensible decisions on saving, spending, and investing
  • The best ways to set and achieve financial goals
  • How to set up a realistic budget framework and learn how to track expenses
  • Discover proven methods to help you eliminate debt
  • Understand how to use credit wisely
  • Win big by making smart decisions on your home and other big-ticket items
  • How to get the most from your investments by avoiding rash decisions
  • Decide how--and how much--to save for retirement

is aimed at folks at every financial stage, from students to homeowners and those facing retirement.

"Everyone worries about money. And it's tough to know what's the best course of action," said Roth. "My book can help readers make better decisions, find the tools to improve their financial situations, and, most of all, be happier about their relationship with money."

For a review copy or more information please email maryr@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

was a regular guy who found himself in debt. He turned his life around, became an expert on money and finance, and started , an award-winning website named the Web's most inspiring money blog by Money magazine.

Additional Resources:
For more information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

For practical tips from J.D. on how to save money, see: .

J.D. Roth
ISBN: 9780596809416, 336 pages,
Book Price: $21.99 USD, Ebook Price: $17.99 USD
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