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bash Pocket Reference: Help for Power Users and Sys Admins--New from O'Reilly

May 13, 2010

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Sebastopol, CA—You need to know how to work with the bash shell if you want to get to the heart of Unix systems, including Linux and Mac OS X. Now covering the most recent version of bash, this concise little book puts all of the essential information about bash at your fingertips. You'll quickly find answers to annoying questions that always come up when you're writing shell scripts: What characters do you need to quote? How do you get variable substitution to do exactly what you want? How do you use arrays? and much more.

If you're a user or programmer of any Unix variant, or if you're using bash on Windows, you'll find this pocket reference indispensable. This book covers:

  • Invoking the Shell
  • Syntax
  • Functions
  • Variables
  • Arithmetic Expressions
  • Command History
  • Programmable Completion
  • Job Control
  • Shell Options
  • Command Execution
  • Coprocesses
  • Restricted Shells
  • Built-in Commands

For a review copy or more information please email maryr@oreilly.com Please include your delivery address and contact information.

Arnold Robbins, an Atlanta native, is a professional programmer and technical author. He has worked with Unix systems since 1980, when he was introduced to a PDP-11 running a version of Sixth Edition Unix. He has been a heavy AWK user since 1987, when he became involved with gawk, the GNU project's version of AWK. As a member of the POSIX 1003.2 balloting group, he helped shape the POSIX standard for AWK. He is currently the maintainer of gawk and its documentation. He is also coauthor of the sixth edition of O'Reilly's Learning the vi Editor. Since late 1997, he and his family have been living happily in Israel.

Additional Resources:
For more information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Arnold Robbins
ISBN: 978-1-4493-8788-4, 132 pages,
Book Price: $9.99 USD, Ebook Price: $7.99 USD

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