Sebastopol, CA, July 7, 2010—More than 1300 enthusiastic Rails developers and programmers met and collaborated at . Co-produced by Ruby Central and O'Reilly Media, the world's largest gathering of the passionate Ruby on Rails community convened at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD, June 7-10, 2010.
Chairs Chad Fowler and Ben Scofield created a program that highlighted the vibrant and expanding nature of the Rails community itself. While the exploration of Rails 3 attracted many, the conference explored many other areas of the Rails landscape. Featured speakers at RailsConf 2010 included Michael Feathers of Object Mentor, Inc., David Heinemeier Hansson of 37signals, Yehuda Katz of Engine Yard, Inc., Bob Martin of Object Mentor, Inc., Derek Sivers of Thoughts, Ltd., and Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia.
Several events enriched the RailsConf schedule of tutorials, sessions, and keynotes. BohConf was the official RailsConf 2010 unconference, hosted by the local B'More on Rails community group; the Ruby Heroes Award Ceremony recognized some of the unsung leading contributors to the Ruby community; Birds of a Feather sessions provided attendees with the opportunity to design their own evening roundtables; and the popular Music Jam gave the Rails fans their own chance to rock.
Sponsors of RailsConf 2010 included Engine Yard, Heroku, 8th Light, Blue Box Group, LLC, Infoether, JetBrains, New Relic, OHI, Rhomobile, WyeWorks, and Chargify.
OHI chose RailsConf to announce the launch of a new website for the Rails community.
For complete information on RailsConf 2010, including keynote videos, speaker presentation files, and photos, visit:
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