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Building the Perfect PC: Build a PC that will outperform any brand-name box on the market--New from O'Reilly

November 18, 2010

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Sebastopol, CA—Even if you're not a total geek, you can build your own PC—and it's worth the effort. You'll discover that the quality is better and the cost is much lower than any comparable off-the-shelf PC you can buy. Written by hardware experts Robert and Barbara Thompson, (O'Reilly Media, $39.99 USD) delivers complete instructions for building your own dream machine with high-quality components, whether it's a PC for general use, extreme gaming, a media center, or home server.

"This book appeals to the hidden hacker in everyone, the folks who like the idea of being self-sufficient when it comes to their PCs," say authors and ." teaches you how to design and build a custom PC optimized for your own specific needs and budget, instead of paying more for a mediocre commercial unit. Readers will learn to build a PC with full confidence in the components they have selected and their skills to perform the task."

With this book, you will:

  • Get high-quality PC hardware from local stores and online vendors
  • Plan your computer project with a complete checklist
  • Create the ideal PC that will run Windows 7 or Linux
  • Take advantage of the latest multi-core CPUs
  • Assemble, test, and configure your PC with ease
  • Build a PC that meets your needs and fits your budget

Straightforward language, clear directions, and easy-to-follow illustrations make this guide a breeze for computer builders of any skill level, even those with no experience. Design the custom computer you want, and have fun doing it.

For a review copy or more information please email gretchen@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

About the Authors

Robert Bruce Thompson is a coauthor of Building the Perfect PC, Astronomy Hacks, and the Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders. Thompson built his first computer in 1976 from discrete chips. It had 256 bytes of memory, used toggle switches and LEDs for I/O, ran at less than 1MHz, and had no operating system. Since then, he has bought, built, upgraded, and repaired hundreds of PCs for himself, employers, customers, friends, and clients. Robert spends most clear, moonless nights outdoors with his 10-inch Dobsonian reflector telescope, and is currently designing a larger, computerized, truss-tube Dobsonian that he plans to build.

Barbara Fritchman Thompson is a coauthor of Building the Perfect PC, PC Hardware Buyer's Guide, Astronomy Hacks, and PC Hardware in a Nutshell. Barbara worked for 20 years as a librarian before starting her own home-based consulting practice, Research Solutions, and is also a researcher for the law firm Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, PLLC. Barbara is an avid amateur astronomer.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: O'Reilly Media
By Robert Bruce Thompson, Barbara Fritchman Thompson
Print ISBN: 9781449388249   Ebook ISBN: 9781449388256  
Pages: 368 (est.)
Print Price: $39.99   Ebook Price: $31.99  

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