Sebastopol, CA, December 17, 2010— The will help to define, maintain, and extend the identity of open source July 25-29, 2011, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR. Program chairs Edd Dumbill and Sarah Novotny have opened the call for participation, requesting proposals for sessions and tutorials.
As the pace of technological innovation accelerates, OSCON provides a central place to gain exposure to and evaluate the new projects, tools, services, platforms, languages, software, and standards sweeping through the open source community and the broader technology industry. OSCON assembles the best, brightest, and most interesting people to explore what's new and to champion open source adoption. Participants from this vast and diverse community come together to learn, collaborate, and inspire each other at OSCON, the event acknowledged as the crossroads of all things open source.
Possible proposal topics include, but are not limited to:
- Doing more with less
- Open source in smart phones and mobile networked devices
- Cloud computing, openness in distributed services
- Geek lifestyle — hacking, quantified self, inbox zero, maker culture
- Best practices for building a business around open source
- Open web, open standards, open data, open, open, open!
- Open source in democracy, politics, government, and education
- AI, machine learning, and other ways of making software smarter than the people using it
Proposals will be accepted through February 7, 2011 at:
Early registration will open in April 2011.
Media coverage, keynote videos, speaker presentation files, and photos from previous OSCON at:
: O'Reilly Open Source Convention Calls for Proposals #OSCON. Submit yours today
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