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Microsoft Excel 2010: Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Third Edition--New from Microsoft Press

January 27, 2011

Microsoft Press

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Sebastopol, CA—Want to master the business modeling and analysis techniques that will help you transform data into bottom-line results? Now you can with this new, practical, scenario-focused guide: (Microsoft Press, $49.99 USD). With the experience of business professor and corporate consultant (), you'll find proven practices and hands-on examples to help you work smarter, make better decisions, and gain the competitive edge.

"Millions of people use Excel to do their jobs," says Winston. "I teach people at the US Army, Microsoft, Cisco and other organizations how to use Excel to solve business problems. With this book, you can teach yourself what I teach at Microsoft and Cisco.

"This book will help business analysts do analysis and reporting more efficiently," Winston continues, "because Excel is the canvas for the business analyst. This book will enable you to create your own Starry Night masterpiece spreadsheet in Excel."

Use Excel to solve real business problems—and sharpen your edge.

  • Model investment risks and returns
  • Analyze your sales team's effectiveness
  • Create best, worst, and most-likely case scenarios
  • Compare lease vs. buy, and calculate loan terms
  • See how price, advertising, and seasonality affect sales
  • Manage inventory with precision
  • Quantify the value of customer loyalty
  • Calculate your break-even number and ROI
  • Maximize scheduling efficiency
  • Express "home-field advantage" in real numbers
  • Project company growth, predict election results, and more
  • Plus—introduce yourself to PowerPivot for Excel

For a review copy or more information please email gretchen@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

About the Author

Wayne L. Winston is a professor of Decision Sciences at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business and the recipient of more than 30 teaching awards. For the past 20 years, Wayne has also taught Fortune 500 companies how to use Excel to make smarter business decisions. He has written 15 books on Excel, management science, and mathematics in sports.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: Microsoft Press
By Wayne L. Winston
Print ISBN: 9780735643369   Ebook ISBN: 9780735643376  
Pages: 720
Print Price: $49.99   Ebook Price: $35.99  

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