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Building Enterprise Applications with Windows® Presentation Foundation and the Model View ViewModel Pattern--New from Microsoft Press

March 23, 2011

Microsoft Press

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Sebastopol, CA—Simplify and speed up the development of business applications with Windows® Presentation Foundation (WPF) and the Model View ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern. With this hands-on guide— (Microsoft Press, $19.99 USD)—you'll master the techniques to bind data to your WPF user interfaces by constructing an example application through the course of the book. Gain valuable skills with WPF and MVVM that you can immediately apply to your own projects.

"If you plan to work with Windows Presentation Foundation, Silverlight, or Windows Phone 7, you should get in touch with the MVVM pattern," says author (). "This book focuses on this pattern implementation. In the future, I see only these technologies in the .NET world—and the MVVM pattern is the solution for them."

  • Master the MVVM design pattern and apply it to WPF development
  • Employ agile techniques to help reduce development time
  • Take advantage of the powerful data services in WPF to bind application data
  • Create rich, flexible, and maintainable client applications for the enterprise
  • Build an example Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application from start to finish
  • Use Microsoft Silverlight® or WPF to build applications with MVVM

For a review copy or more information please email gretchen@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

About the Author

Raffaele Garofolo is a .NET software architect who builds Line-of-Business applications for a living. He is passionate about .NET and WPF and spends his free time writing articles and blog posts about WPF and the MVVM.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bio, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: Microsoft Press
By Raffaele Garofalo
Print ISBN: 9780735650923   Ebook ISBN: 9780735649828  
Pages: 224 (est.)
Print Price: $19.99   Ebook Price: $14.99  

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Microsoft Press is a division of Microsoft Corporation. Established in 1985, Microsoft Press publishes self-paced learning materials on Microsoft products and associated technologies. Microsoft Press products are available in a variety of formats for individual users, IT professionals, and developers. Since 2009, Microsoft and O'Reilly Media have shared the editorial direction and development of Microsoft Press products. O'Reilly also handles sales, distribution, customer service, and some administrative functions.

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