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Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++

April 19, 2011

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Sebastopol, CA—Your CPU meter shows a problem. One core is running at 100 percent, but all the other cores are idle. Your application is CPU-bound, but you are using only a fraction of the computing power of your multicore system. Is there a way to get better performance? The answer, in a nutshell, is found in (Microsoft Press, $29.99 USD).

"If you're a C++ developer who wants your application to run really well on multicore hardware, this book will show you how," says (), who coauthored the text with . "You don't have to be a parallel programming expert. The book covers the key problems and pitfalls in writing parallel code and shows the reader how to use design patterns to avoid many of these."

The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) and the Asynchronous Agents Library introduce a new programming model for parallelism that significantly simplifies the job. Behind the scenes are sophisticated algorithms that dynamically distribute computations on multicore architectures. In addition, Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 development system includes debugging and analysis tools to support the new parallel programming model.

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About the Authors

Colin Campbell is a coauthor of Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis in C# and he has written several academic papers on mathematically rigorous approaches to software analysis. He is a founder and principal at Modeled Computation LLC, in Seattle.

Ade Miller is currently a Principal Program Manager for Dryad and DryadLINQ, a set of technologies that support data-intensive computing applications running on a Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 cluster. Previously he was the Development Lead for Microsoft's patterns & practices group (p&p) where he managed p&p's agile development teams. His primary interests are parallel computing and in engineering leadership to improve the way people develop software.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: Microsoft Press
By Colin Campbell, Ade Miller
Print ISBN: 9780735651753   Ebook ISBN: 9780735651746  
Pages: 208 (est.)
Print Price: $29.99   Ebook Price: $23.99  

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