Sebastopol, CA, May 11, 2011—As the Android juggernaut rockets past the iPhone and Blackberry to dominate smartphone platforms, O'Reilly Media introduces the . Android Open, October 9-11, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco, is the first conference to cover the entire world of Android. If you create, sell, or market products in the Android space, if you're launching an Android-centric venture or need to take stock of the competitive landscape, you want to be at Android Open.
Chairs and have designed the event around the tracks of . Featured speakers at Android Open 2011 currently include:
- (Flurry, Inc.)
- (Marakana Inc)
- (Intel)
- (Handy Codeworks)
- (CommonsWare)
- (
- (Opersys, Inc.)
applies until May 31, 2011.
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Android experts sought to speak at new @OReillyMedia event Android Open; early reg open #AndroidOpen
New Android Titles to Review from O'Reilly
Create Your Own Android Apps
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An ActionScript Developer's Guide to Building Android Applications

If you want to use your ActionScript skills to build mobile applications for the Android OS, this thorough guide will show you how to use the unique programming environment, architecture, and tools in the Adobe AIR for Android SDK. You'll get practical hands-on experience on a wide range of development topics, from device-specific features to optimization techniques and best practices—including how expand your mobile development experience beyond Android to other platforms.
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