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Flash CS5.5: The Missing Manual--New from O'Reilly Media

June 23, 2011

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Sebastopol, CA—Once you know how to use Flash, you can create everything from simple animations to high-end desktop applications, but it's a complex tool that can be difficult to master on your own. That is unless you have (O'Reilly Media, $44.99) by .

"My book is intended for beginner to intermediate audiences," notes Grover. "It starts off easy, so it's great for newcomers who are beginning to use Flash. The chapters and exercises build logically. Later chapters explore complex features such as controlling animations using ActionScript, and turning Flash animations into AIR desktop, smartphone, or tablet applications."

The important stuff you need to know:

  • Learn animation basics. Discover how to turn simple ideas into stunning animations.
  • Master Flash's tools. Learn the animation and effects tools with clear explanations and hands-on examples.
  • Use 3D effects. Rotate objects and make them move in three dimensions.
  • Create lifelike motion. Use the IK Bones tool to simulate realistic body movements and other linked motions.
  • Build apps for tablets and smartphones. Create the next generation of iPhone, iPad, and Android apps.
  • Add multimedia. Incorporate your own audio and video files into Flash.
  • Create rich interactive animations. Dive into advanced interactivity with easy-to-learn ActionScript examples.

Indeed, with , you'll quickly learn all you need to know about Flash CS5.5 to create gorgeous animations that bring your ideas to life.

For a review copy or more information please email peyton@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

About the Author

Christopher Grover has worked as a technical writer, advertising copywriter, and product publicist for more than 25 years. He recently launched Bolinas Road Creative, an agency that helps small businesses promote their products and services. He is the author of Word 2007: The Missing Manual and Flash CS5: The Missing Manual.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: O'Reilly Media
By Chris Grover
Print ISBN: 9781449398255   Ebook ISBN: 9781449398897  
Pages: 864
Print Price: $44.99   Ebook Price: $31.99  

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