Get Your Data On -- New Books to Review from O'Reilly Media
Media alert: October 12, 2011
"Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves."
—Tim Berners-Lee
You may not need Sir TimBL to tell you that harnessing and understanding big data is the hottest topic in the tech space. Or then again, you might. Either way, you'll benefit from the wide-ranging collection of new books on data collected below. Four of them are free downloads that we've created to help educate our customers. The rest are fresh books on a fast-moving subject. As always, please use the Request Review Copy button to receive your order and don't hesitate to contact us with further questions.
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Niall O'HigginsNiall O'Higgins is a software consultant specializing in mobile, tablet and cloud computing. He is the founder and organizer of both the San Francisco Python Web Technology Meet-up, PyWebSF and the Bay Area Tablet Computing Group, We Have Tablets. He has published quite a bit of Open Source software—contributing to OpenBSD and Pyramid among others—and frequently speaks at conferences and events. His recent book, , explains the basics of the document-oriented database and shows you how to set up a Python environment with it.