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Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac--New from TidBITS

October 6, 2011

Ithaca, NY—Expanding on and modernizing the advice in its best-selling titles about backups, has published ($15.00 USD), written by award-winning tech writer .

Fully updated to cover Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and all the latest hardware, software, and online service changes in the backup world, describes how to design a reliable backup system, understand backup lingo, shop for hardware, choose backup software, operate Time Machine (and determine whether Time Machine is a good option and what to do if it's not), make backups, deal with any special backup needs, and—most importantly—recover lost data after a crash or other calamity.

Kissell helps readers:

  • Understand the three components of a successful backup strategy.
  • Reassess an existing backup strategy in light of changing habits or newly available options.
  • Choose a "versioned" backup program like Time Machine, and determine what to do if Time Machine doesn't meet your needs.
  • Shop for and prepare a backup hard drive (or drives).
  • Set up backup software to make backups work smoothly and reliably.
  • Make offsite backups in various ways, including backing up to an online service.
  • Handle special backup needs like huge quantities of photos, or backing up several Macs in a home.
  • Restore backed up data if disaster strikes!

For a review copy or more information please email takecontrolpr@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

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For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: TidBITS
By Joe Kissell
Ebook ISBN: 9781615423941  
Pages: 210
Ebook Price: $15.00  

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The Take Control series is published by TidBITS Publishing Inc. TidBITS co-founders Adam and Tonya Engst have been publishing highly regarded news and editorial since 1990 when they created the online newsletter TidBITS, which covers Macintosh and Internet-related topics. The Take Control series has helped many thousands of readers with high-quality, timely, real-world, cost-effective documentation since 2003.

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