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OSCON 2012 Opens Call for Proposals: O'Reilly Open Source Convention Seeks Speakers

December 13, 2011

Sebastopol, CA, December 13, 2011—Are you ready to contribute to the future of open source? , the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, enters its 14th year as the hub of the open source community and the epicenter of open source innovation July 16-20, 2012 in Portland, OR. Chairs Sarah Novotny and Edd Dumbill have opened the for OSCON 2012 and they invite you to submit your ideas for conference sessions or tutorials.

In the spirit of open source, please suggest any relevant ideas. Current topics of particular interest include:

  • The startup stack—open source infrastructure that entrepreneurs choose to power their startups
  • Code quality—how to write code that works when "agile" would create bigger problems than it solves
  • Open source and user experience—moving from strange bedfellows to soulmates
  • Open Web, open standards, open data—open, open, open!
  • Best practices for building a business around open source
  • Leadership in the changing open source culture
  • Emerging languages—have a good story about why we need yet another
  • Open source in mobile devices
  • Geek lifestyle—hacking, quantified self, inbox zero, maker culture
  • Data and Java—those who attended last year's OSCON Data and OSCON Java told us that they wanted to be part of the "main" OSCON, so we're bringing Data and Java back into the fold in 2012.

are due January 12, 2012.

Registration opens March, 2012.

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Want to talk open source? seeks proposals for 2012

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