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Head First Mobile Web--New from O'Reilly Media

January 10, 2012

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Sebastopol, CA—Mobile web usage is exploding. Soon, more web browsing will take place on phones and tablets than PCs. Your business needs a mobile strategy, but where do you start? (O'Reilly Media, $44.99 USD) shows how to use the web technology you're already familiar with to make sites and apps that work on any device of any size.

"Many smart web developers come up to us at events or email us and ask how they can make web sites that work nicely on a whole lot of devices," says co-author (). "These are good devs, polished and at the top of their web game. But they need concrete, real tactics to get started on the mobile web.

"Soon, organizations and developers won't have the luxury of evaluating whether or not a site should be 'mobile-friendly,'" Gardner continues. "It will be an imperative, as mobile web use exceeds desktop web use in the near future. Developing web sites that adapt to the vast number of devices out there will no longer be a niche speciality—it will be a required core competency for web developers."

puts your JavaScript, CSS media query, and HTML5 skills to work, and shows you how to optimize your site to perform its best in the demanding mobile market. Along the way, you'll discover how to adapt your business strategy to target specific devices.

  • Navigate the increasingly complex mobile landscape
  • Take both technical and strategic approaches to mobile web design
  • Use the latest development techniques—including Responsive Web Design and server-side device detection with WURFL
  • Learn quickly through images, puzzles, stories, and quizzes

Advance Praise
"Head First Mobile Web successfully presents practical techniques all readers can use immediately, while giving plenty of foundation and resources for more experienced developers to build upon. Lyza and Jason have created a pragmatic introduction to the chaotic world of mobile web development as it is today, with a glimpse of how we can and should approach it for tomorrow."
—Stephen Hay, Founder and principal of Zero Interface

"An excellent introduction to a complex but exciting topic. Hands-on from the get-go, Head First Mobile Web provides an excellent introduction to the challenges and opportunities available when exploring the next chapter in web design."
—Stephanie and Bryan Reiger, Designers at Yübu

For a review copy or more information please email maryr@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

About the Authors

Lyza Danger Gardner is a dev. She has built, broken, and hacked web things since 1996. Lyza has written a lot of web applications (server-side devs, represent!), defeated wily content management systems, optimized mobile web sites, pounded on various APIs, and worried a lot about databases. Fascinated by the way mobile technology has changed things, she now spends a lot of time thinking about the future of the web, mobile and otherwise.

Since co-founding Cloud Four, a Portland-based mobile web agency, in 2007, Lyza has voyaged further into the deep, untrammeled reaches of Device Land, exploring the foibles and chaos of mobile browsers and the mobile web.

After spending over a decade as a desktop web developer, Jason joined forces with the three smartest people he knew and started Cloud Four. Since co-founding Cloud Four, he has had the good fortune to work on many fantastic projects including the Obama '08 iPhone App.

He is founder and President of Mobile Portland, a non-profit dedicated to promotion and education of the mobile community in Portland, Oregon. Jason is a sought-after speaker and consultant on mobile technology.

You can find him blogging at , his personal site and on Twitter as .

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: O'Reilly Media
By Lyza Danger Gardner, Jason Grigsby
Print ISBN: 9781449302665   Ebook ISBN: 9781449304959  
Pages: 480
Print Price: $44.99   Ebook Price: $35.99  

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