Press releases

Early Release Titles for Review from O'Reilly

Media alert: April 23, 2012

Content that still has dew on it. Our "Early Release" program allows our customers to read about a new technology as it's emerging, often written by the very person who invented it. While we put the finishing touches on editing and design and the author is still writing, Early Release customers get the first taste of must-know info. We offer whatever has been submitted; the rest is downloaded for free once the entire book is done. Better yet, readers get a chance to interact with the author, catch errors, make suggestions, and just generally be an informed participant in the process.


Chris SmithChris Smith

Chris Smith works at Google on next generation developer tools; bringing the IDEs of the world to the web. Before that he worked at Microsoft on the F# team as a tester, giving him a unique mastery of the language. Chris has a masters degree in computer science from the University of Washington and a burning passion for any tasty drink which comes with an umbrella. His new book, , shows you how to reap the benefits of functional programming for your next project—whether it?s quantitative computing, large-scale data exploration, or even a pursuit of your own.