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Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual--New from O'Reilly Media

May 17, 2012

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Sebastopol, CA—The new and improved Photoshop CS6 is truly amazing, but it can also be overwhelming if you're just getting started. Fortunately (O'Reilly, $49.99) makes learning the latest edition of this popular photo-editing program a breeze. Expert author Lesa Snider explains things in a friendly, conversational style—without technical jargon.

"This edition features all new screen shots, new and updated practical techniques, as well as a new chapter on video editing," notes Snider, founder of the creative tutorial site www.GraphicReporter.com. "It's simply the most comprehensive yet conversational, Photoshop book on the market and I'm incredibly proud to have it available upon ship date of the software."

The important stuff you need to know:

  • Learn your way around. Get a guided tour of Photoshop's beautiful new workspace.
  • Unlock the magic. Discover the most practical ways to use layers, channels, masks, paths, and other tools.
  • Fine-tune your images. Learn techniques for cropping, retouching, and combining photos.
  • Play with color. Drain, change, and add color; and create gorgeous black-and-whites and duotones.
  • Be artistic. Create original illustrations and paintings, use text and filters effectively, and edit video clips.
  • Share your work. Produce great-looking images for print and the Web.
  • Work smarter and faster. Automate common chores and install plug-ins for complex tasks.

For a review copy or more information please email reviews@oreilly.com. Please include your delivery address and contact information.

About the Author

Lesa Snider is on a mission to teach the world to create?and use!?better graphics. She?s an internationally acclaimed speaker; stock photographer and chief evangelist for iStockphoto.com (www.lesa.in/istockdeal ); as well as the founder of the creative tutorial site PhotoLesa.com. Lesa is the author of many video-training workshops (www.lesa.in/clvideos) and the coauthor of iPhoto ?11: The Missing Manual. She writes a regular column for Photoshop User, Elements Techniques, and Macworld magazines, and contributes frequently to Design-Tools.com and PlanetPhotoshop.com. Lesa is also a long-time member of the Photoshop World Dream Team of instructors and can be spotted teaching at many other conferences around the globe. She also teaches Advanced Photoshop for the international graphic design school, Sessions.edu. You can connect with her online on Facebook (www.facebook.com/PhotoLesa), YouTube (www.lesa.in/ytvideochannel), Twitter (@PhotoLesa), and www.PhotoLesa.com.

During her free time, you?ll find Lesa carving the twisties on her sportbike, dressed up in her Star Trek best at a sci-fi convention, or hanging with fellow Apple Mac enthusiasts. Lesa is a proud member of the BMWMOA, F800 Riders Club, and the Colorado Mac User Group (www.CoMUG.com) a.k.a. the Boulder Mac Maniacs. Email: lesa@photolesa.com.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: O'Reilly Media
By Lesa Snider
Print ISBN: 9781449316150   Ebook ISBN: 9781449316143  
Pages: 888 (est.)
Print Price: $49.99   Ebook Price: $39.99  

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