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New Release from Microsoft Press--Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010: Business Connectivity Services

June 5, 2012

Microsoft Press

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Sebastopol, CA—Put your organization's data to work with (Microsoft Press, $34.99 USD)—and build valuable business solutions. Led by a team of SharePoint experts, you'll learn how to integrate data from several systems—such as sales, accounting, and inventory—and then search, display, combine, and modify the information using code and no-code SharePoint solutions. This hands-on guide is ideal for SharePoint project managers, business analysts, architects, and administrators.

  • Access data from applications and databases using Business Connectivity Services
  • Create external lists in SharePoint to display your business data
  • Build dashboards to present charts and key performance indicators
  • Use business information offline with Microsoft Office applications
  • Create custom SharePoint applications to insert, modify, and delete business data
  • Populate SharePoint user profiles with information from several sources
  • Build Business Connectivity Service solutions in SharePoint Online

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About the Authors

Penelope Coventry is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft SharePoint Server, and an independent consultant based in the United Kingdom, with more than 30 years of industry experience. She focuses on the design, implementation, and development of SharePoint technology-based solutions. She has worked with SharePoint since 2001.

Brett Lonsdale is a specialist in the Business Data Catalog for SharePoint 2007 and Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010. Brett authored the Developers Guide to SharePoint 2007 Business Data Catalog, and is also the co-owner of a SharePoint Web parts and tools company.

Phill Duffy works as a SharePoint Developer. He has worked with SharePoint for three years, and has been involved in the development of web parts and tools centered on and around the BDC and BCS.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: Microsoft Press
By Penelope Coventry, Brett Lonsdale, Phill Duffy
Print ISBN: 9780735660182   Ebook ISBN: 9780735660168  
Pages: 420
Print Price: $34.99   Ebook Price: $27.99  

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