Sebastopol, CA—"Building a sophisticated widget or single page app is a complex undertaking," says (). "The Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) is designed to help you rein in that complexity. However, there is a steep learning curve. Because YUI is modular, understanding how to load it on the page and get YUI up and running takes more knowledge than with most libraries."
That's where the (O'Reilly Media, $39.99 USD) steps in. This definitive, getting-started guide to version 3 of the popular open source JavaScript library shows you how to address many of the most common and challenging problems that web development presents.
"YUI 3.5 includes some critical new APIs for developing slick single page apps using Models, Views, and Routers, as well as some important refinements to how YUI runs under Node.js," says Goer.
Indeed, this book couldn't be fresher. "This major YUI release was only available in beta after the initial manuscript draft was due," says Goer. "I spent a few weeks running around like a chicken with my head cut off, making sure all these recipes were up to date and wrangling extra reviews from the YUI team."
As a result, introduces specific implementation patterns in the library, demonstrating granular solutions for everything from simple page effects to sophisticated web apps. Experienced users will learn how to create modules that load on demand; generate beautiful documentation; and write powerful and flexible Widgets, Models, and Views.
"I was surprised to find out how much I didn't know until reading this book. There really isn't a better resource for learning or updating your YUI skills."
—, Author and YUI Contributor
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