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Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manual--New from O'Reilly Media: Answers found here!

July 19, 2012

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Sebastopol, CA—Dreamweaver CS6 is the most capable website design and management program yet, but there's no printed guide to its amazing features. That's where comes in. You'll learn to use every facet of this versatile program, through jargon-free explanations and 13 hands-on tutorials.

The important stuff you need to know:

  • Get A to Z guidance. Go from building simple web pages to creating rich, interactive websites.
  • Learn state-of-the-art design. Create dynamic, visually appealing sites using JavaScript and CSS, and see how HTML5 and CSS3 fit in.
  • Add instant interactivity. Use Dreamweaver's unique Spry technology to easily add complex layout options, like drop-down menus.
  • Use timesaving features. Take advantage of Dreamweaver's libraries, templates, and hundreds of extensions.
  • Go mobile. Design sites for smartphones, tablets, and desktop PCs, using the same HTML.
  • Simplify site management. Check for broken links, streamline site-wide changes, and reorganize your site in a snap.

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About the Author

David Sawyer McFarland is president of Sawyer McFarland Media, Inc., a Web development and training company in Portland, Oregon. He's been building websites since 1995, when he designed an online magazine for communication professionals. He's served as webmaster at the University of California at Berkeley and the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center, and oversaw a complete CSS-driven redesign of Macworld.com. David is also a writer and trainer, and teaches in the Portland State University multimedia program. He wrote the bestselling Missing Manual titles on Adobe Dreamweaver, CSS, and JavaScript.

Additional Resources
For more information about the book, including table of contents, author bios, and cover graphic, see:

Publisher: O'Reilly Media
By David Sawyer McFarland
Print ISBN: 9781449316174   Ebook ISBN: 9781449327019  
Pages: 1032
Print Price: $49.99   Ebook Price: $39.99  

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